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Join the heroes and foes of Thor Ragnarok in this coloring adventure, and pick your favorite stickers for a doubled fun
MAD‎ 122.40
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Join The Spidey Team in a new adventure! Just color and stick away!
MAD‎ 122.40
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Unfold the Giant Poster, color it with your friends and family & display it
MAD‎ 122.40
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Color this Giant Poster with your Friends and Family!
MAD‎ 122.40
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Color this Giant Poster with your Friends and Family!
MAD‎ 122.40
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Learning is fun with Cars 3...Based on three substantial elements; learning, entertaining and Disney’s special characters, this workbook will introduce graphics, enhance the child’s observation and focus for a smooth discovery.
MAD‎ 122.40
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Learning is fun with Doc McStuffins...Based on three substantial elements; learning, entertaining and Disney’s special characters, this workbook will introduce graphics, enhance the child’s observation and focus for a smooth discovery.
MAD‎ 122.40
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Anna, Elsa et Olaf trouvent un petit renne en danger ! Pourront-ils sauver leur nouvel ami sans arriver en retard au bal royal ?
MAD‎ 122.40
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Lightning McQueen and Cruz Ramirez are training for the next race. But Cruz cannot find the right rhythm! Will she be ready for the big day of competition?
MAD‎ 122.40
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Pourquoi les Super cachent-ils leurs pouvoirs?? Comment M. Indestructible et Elastigirl ont-ils fondé une famille ? Est-ce que leurs enfants, Flèche, Violette et bébé Jack-Jack, possèdent aussi de Super pouvoirs?? Flèche lui-même va te raconter cette merveilleuse histoire. Et tu sauras alors...
MAD‎ 122.40
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C’est le premier jour d’école pour Isabelle, la petite sœur d’Elena. Isabelle est heureuse, mais un peu inquiète aussi. Elle se demande si elle aura des amis…Ses camarades de classe vont-ils l’aimer pour ce qu’elle est??إِنَّهُ اليَوْمُ الدِّراسِيُّ الأَوَّلُ لِإيزابيل، شَقيقَةِ إيلينا الصُّغْرى....
MAD‎ 122.40
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Avec Olaf, Anna, Elsa et leurs amis, découvre les secrets qui se cachent derrière le phénomène fascinant des aurores polaires. Embarque pour un fantastique voyage, tu en apprendras beaucoup sur les étoiles, les planètes, la lune, les comètes, et sur plein d’autres choses encore !اكْتَشِفِ...
MAD‎ 122.40
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Avec Olaf, Anna, Elsa et leurs amis, découvre les secrets qui se cachent derrière le phénomène fascinant des aurores polaires. Embarque pour un fantastique voyage, tu en apprendras beaucoup sur les étoiles, les planètes, la lune, les comètes, et sur plein d’autres choses encore !اكْتَشِفِ...
MAD‎ 122.40
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Plongeons dans le monde poustouflant des ocans, o vivent Dory et ses amis ! Nageons la dcouverte des cratures de la mer, et apprenons comment elles se dplacent, trouvent leur nourriture et assurent leur protection ! Nous dcouvrirons ensemble les faits scientifiques qui ont servi de base aux...
MAD‎ 122.40
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هَيَّا بِنا نَغُصْ في عالَمِ المُحيطاتِ المُدْهِشِ، حَيْثُ تَعيشُ دوري وَأَصْدِقاؤُها!وَلْنَسْبَحْ لِاكْتِشافِ مَخْلوقاتِ البَحْرِ، فَنَتَعَلَّمُ كَيْفَ تَتَنَقَّلُ، وَكَيْفَ تَجِدُ غِذاءَها وَتُؤَمِّنُ حِمايَةَ نَفْسِها! سَنَكْتَشِفُ مَعًا الحَقائِقَ العِلْمِيَّةَ الَّتي اسْتَنَدَتْ عَلَيْها...
MAD‎ 122.40
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Joue et colorie avec Olaf et ses amis dans chaque page de ce cahier distingué.
MAD‎ 122.40
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Joue et colorie avec Docteur la Peluche et ses amis dans chaque page de ce cahier distingué.
MAD‎ 122.40
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Sais-tu que les jouets eux aussi tombent malades?? Lorsqu’ils ont un rhume et de la fièvre, qui va s’occuper d’eux et les guérir?? Doc LaPeluche bien sûr?!هَلْ تَعْرِفُ أَنَّ الدُّمى أَيْضًا تَمْرَضُ؟ عِنْدَما تُصابُ بِالرَّشَحِ أَوْ بِالحَرارَةِ، مَنْ سَيَهْتَمُّ بِها وَيُداويها؟ الدُّكْتورَةُ...
MAD‎ 122.40
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Gâteaux, tartes, cookies, ou brownies... Tous sont succulents lorsque les princesses les préparent. Mais quel est donc leur secret ? Elles n’oublient pas d’ajouter, en plus de la farine, du lait et des œufs, une pincée d’amour.الكَعْكاتُ وَالفَطائِرُ وَالبَسْكَويتُ وَالبراوْنيز... كُلُّها...
MAD‎ 122.40
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Une petite histoire à lire et plein d’illustrations à colorier.قِصَّةٌ قَصيرَةٌ لِلقِراءَةِ وَالكَثيرُ مِنَ الرُّسوماتِ لِلتَّلْوينِ.
MAD‎ 122.40
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Une petite histoire à lire et plein d’illustrations à colorier.قِصَّةٌ قَصيرَةٌ لِلقِراءَةِ وَالكَثيرُ مِنَ الرُّسوماتِ لِلتَّلْوينِ.
MAD‎ 122.40
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Le 4 août 2020, les petites filles et les petits garçons du Liban ont été secoués par un grand, bruyant et terrifiant BOUM.Ce livre a été écrit pour chacun d’entre eux dans l’espoir de les aider à surmonter le choc qu’ils ont subi ce triste jour...“L’antifragilité est au-delà de la resilience ou...
MAD‎ 122.40
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On August 4th 2020, little girls and boys in Lebanon were shaken by a big, loud and terrifying BOOM...This book was written for each and every single one of them in hopes of helping them come to terms with that day...“Antifragility is beyond resilience or robustness. The resilient resists shocks...
MAD‎ 122.40
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Painful is this topic, as such everyone avoids discussing it. Imagine how hard it would be to talk about it with a child, when the person suffering from cancer is his own mother! Contrary to the reader’s expectations, the approach in this book is easy and heart-touching. The story reaches out to...
MAD‎ 122.40
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«لو كان عندي أرزَة» كتاب مصوَّرٌ باللّغتين العربيّة والفرنسيّة، قصّة خياليّة قصيرة لكافَّة الأعمار، محورها لبنان ورمزه: الأرزة. النصّ غنيّ برسائل مستوحاة من أفكار الشّباب وتساؤلاتهم، وهدفه في الجوهر تعزيز حسّ المواطنة والانتماء والافتخار بالهويّة اللّبنانيّة، رغم الأوضاع الحاليّة الصعبة. عبر حوار...
MAD‎ 333.81
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Cet album raconte comment est née cette passion de l’aventure, ce désir de dépassement de soi et ce respect immodéré de cette nature généreuse qui nous entoure et que certains de nos comportements irresponsables mettent en danger.
MAD‎ 233.67
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This book recounts how it was all born: this passion for adventure, this desire to surpass oneself, and this inordinate respect for the generous nature that surrounds us and that some of our irresponsible behavior is putting at risk.
MAD‎ 233.67
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This second volume of the adventures of Maximum Max tells how this extreme sportsman, just back from Kilimanjaro, next attempts three more peaks of the Seven Summits challenge: Russia’s Mount Elbrus, the tallest in Europe; Argentina’s Aconcagua, the highest in South America; and, finally,...
MAD‎ 233.67
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Ce deuxième album des aventures de Maximum Max raconte comment ce sportif de l’extrême, à peine redescendu du mont Kilimandjaro, se lance dans l’ascension de trois autres cimes figurant dans le Challenge des Sept Sommets : l’Elbrouz, plus haut double sommet de l’Europe et de la Russie ;...
MAD‎ 233.67
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Cet ouvrage est destiné aux enfants de Petite Section. Il présente des activités attractives et ludiques qui permettront à l’enfant de mobiliser les compétences attendues en première année d’école maternelle. Il s’agit ici : de découvrir les nombres en reconnaissant des petites quantités ; de...
MAD‎ 122.40
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Cet ouvrage est destiné aux enfants de Petite Section. Il présente des activités attractives et ludiques qui permettront à l’enfant de mobiliser les compétences attendues en première année d’école maternelle. Il s’agit ici : de découvrir les nombres en reconnaissant des petites quantités ; de...
MAD‎ 122.40
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Cet ouvrage est destiné aux enfants de Petite Section. Il présente des activités attractives et ludiques qui permettront à l’enfant de mobiliser les compétences attendues en première année d’école maternelle. Il s’agit ici : de découvrir les nombres en reconnaissant des petites quantités ; de...
MAD‎ 122.40
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Cet ouvrage est destiné aux enfants de Petite Section. Il présente des activités attractives et ludiques qui permettront à l’enfant de mobiliser les compétences attendues en première année d’école maternelle. Il s’agit ici : de découvrir les nombres en reconnaissant des petites quantités ; de...
MAD‎ 122.40
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Cet ouvrage est destiné aux enfants de Petite Section. Il présente des activités attractives et ludiques qui permettront à l’enfant de mobiliser les compétences attendues en première année d’école maternelle. Il s’agit ici : de découvrir les nombres en reconnaissant des petites quantités ; de...
MAD‎ 122.40
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Cet ouvrage est destiné aux enfants de Petite Section. Il présente des activités attractives et ludiques qui permettront à l’enfant de mobiliser les compétences attendues en première année d’école maternelle. Il s’agit ici : de découvrir les nombres en reconnaissant des petites quantités ; de...
MAD‎ 122.40
شحن مجاني
Cet ouvrage est destiné aux enfants de Petite Section. Il présente des activités attractives et ludiques qui permettront à l’enfant de mobiliser les compétences attendues en première année d’école maternelle. Il s’agit ici : de découvrir les nombres en reconnaissant des petites quantités ; de...
MAD‎ 122.40
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Cet ouvrage est destiné aux enfants de Petite Section. Il présente des activités attractives et ludiques qui permettront à l’enfant de mobiliser les compétences attendues en première année d’école maternelle. Il s’agit ici : de découvrir les nombres en reconnaissant des petites quantités ; de...
MAD‎ 122.40
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Cet ouvrage est destiné aux enfants de Petite Section. Il présente des activités attractives et ludiques qui permettront à l’enfant de mobiliser les compétences attendues en première année d’école maternelle. Il s’agit ici : de découvrir les nombres en reconnaissant des petites quantités ; de...
MAD‎ 122.40
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Let’s Read! est une collection d’histoires bilingues pour les enfants qui lisent en autonomie. Les enfants prendront plaisir à explorer leur « nouvelle » langue en lisant ces histoires originales et variées. Le texte parallèle, les dessins et les bulles fournissent autant de passerelles vers la...
MAD‎ 122.40
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Tina wants to make friends with the new girl next door but she gets off to a bad start. Then, when things start to disappear, Tina gets the blame. But who is the real thief? The parallel stories in alternating language chapters will help you to find out - in English and French!
MAD‎ 122.40
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Ali's donkey strays into the arena during a very important chariot race - and wins the race! The parallel stories in alternating language chapters will help you to follow Ali's exciting adventure - in French and English!
MAD‎ 122.40
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قصص مشوّقة بالإنكليزيّة للقرّاء الصغار، يُتابعونها في نصوصٍ مُوازيةٍ باللغة العربيّة ليفهموا تفاصيلها. لن يكون عليهم أن يتعلّموا كلَّ كلمة يقرؤونها بالإنكليزيّة، بل يُمكنهم أن يركّزوا في الكلمات والتعابير التي تُهمّهم وتُفيدهم. أمّا الأسئلة في الصفحة الأخيرة، فهي تُساعدهم على امتحان معلوماتهم.
MAD‎ 122.40
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قصص مشوّقة بالإنكليزيّة للقرّاء الصغار، يُتابعونها في نصوصٍ مُوازيةٍ باللغة العربيّة ليفهموا تفاصيلها. لن يكون عليهم أن يتعلّموا كلَّ كلمة يقرؤونها بالإنكليزيّة، بل يُمكنهم أن يركّزوا في الكلمات والتعابير التي تُهمّهم وتُفيدهم. أمّا الأسئلة في الصفحة الأخيرة، فهي تُساعدهم على امتحان معلوماتهم.
MAD‎ 122.40
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Life is easy for little Zeeko, cared for by his loving friend Mona in a comfortable Beirut household. But when the shooting starts, Zeeko has to make some difficult choices.
MAD‎ 122.40
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This colorfully illustrated book tells the story of a curious woman called Anda who lived all alone in a hut at the edge of the village. While at first she is laughed at and mocked by the village children, Anda ends up winning their love through laughter and dance. She spreads a universal message...
MAD‎ 126.89
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تساعد حكاية Welcome to Farm World على دعم المتعلّمين في مراحلهم الأولى من تعلّم اللّغة الإنكليزيّة. تدور أحداث الحكاية على كوكب في مجرة بيكارو وتركّز على اللّغة والشخصيّات.
MAD‎ 122.40
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تساعد حكاية Where are the monsters على دعم المتعلّمين في مراحلهم الأولى من تعلّم اللّغة الإنكليزيّة. تدور أحداث الحكاية على كوكب في مجرة بيكارو وتركّز على اللّغة والشخصيّات.
MAD‎ 122.40
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تساعد حكاية Happy Birthday Draco! على دعم المتعلّمين في مراحلهم الأولى من تعلّم اللّغة الإنكليزيّة. تدور أحداث الحكاية على كوكب في مجرة بيكارو وتركّز على اللّغة والشخصيّات.
MAD‎ 122.40
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تساعد حكاية Here Comes Spring على دعم المتعلّمين في مراحلهم الأولى من تعلّم اللّغة الإنكليزيّة. تدور أحداث الحكاية على كوكب في مجرة بيكارو وتركّز على اللّغة والشخصيّات.
MAD‎ 122.40
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Picaro Storybooks are original stories that contain activities which enrich the reading experience at home as well as providing links into classroom learning. Each book is set on one of Picaro Galaxy’s planets and features the language, avatars and characters the children encounter there.
MAD‎ 122.40
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تساعد حكاية A Night on Dinosaur World على دعم المتعلّمين في مراحلهم الأولى من تعلّم اللّغة الإنكليزيّة. تدور أحداث الحكاية على كوكب في مجرة بيكارو وتركّز على اللّغة والشخصيّات.
MAD‎ 122.40
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تساعد حكاية What’s that under the bed? على دعم المتعلّمين في مراحلهم الأولى من تعلّم اللّغة الإنكليزيّة. تدور أحداث الحكاية على كوكب في مجرة بيكارو وتركّز على اللّغة والشخصيّات.
MAD‎ 122.40
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تساعد حكاية You're late, Charlie! على دعم المتعلّمين في مراحلهم الأولى من تعلّم اللّغة الإنكليزيّة. تدور أحداث الحكاية على كوكب في مجرة بيكارو وتركّز على اللّغة والشخصيّات.
MAD‎ 122.40
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تساعد حكاية Parrots Don't Eat Pasta على دعم المتعلّمين في مراحلهم الأولى من تعلّم اللّغة الإنكليزيّة. تدور أحداث الحكاية على كوكب في مجرة بيكارو وتركّز على اللّغة والشخصيّات.
MAD‎ 122.40
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تساعد حكاية what a lot of burgers على دعم المتعلّمين في مراحلهم الأولى من تعلّم اللّغة الإنكليزيّة. تدور أحداث الحكاية على كوكب في مجرة بيكارو وتركّز على اللّغة والشخصيّات.
MAD‎ 122.40
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تساعد حكاية What’s that Noise? على دعم المتعلّمين في مراحلهم الأولى من تعلّم اللّغة الإنكليزيّة. تدور أحداث الحكاية على كوكب في مجرة بيكارو وتركّز على اللّغة والشخصيّات.
MAD‎ 122.40
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تساعد حكاية A Funny Fishing Trip على دعم المتعلّمين في مراحلهم الأولى من تعلّم اللّغة الإنكليزيّة. تدور أحداث الحكاية على كوكب في مجرة بيكارو وتركّز على اللّغة والشخصيّات.
MAD‎ 122.40
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تساعد حكاية Yuki’s Trip to the City على دعم المتعلّمين في مراحلهم الأولى من تعلّم اللّغة الإنكليزيّة. تدور أحداث الحكاية على كوكب في مجرة بيكارو وتركّز على اللّغة والشخصيّات.
MAD‎ 122.40
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تساعد حكاية What’s Next? على دعم المتعلّمين في مراحلهم الأولى من تعلّم اللّغة الإنكليزيّة. تدور أحداث الحكاية على كوكب في مجرة بيكارو وتركّز على اللّغة والشخصيّات.
MAD‎ 122.40
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تساعد حكاية A Space Holiday على دعم المتعلّمين في مراحلهم الأولى من تعلّم اللّغة الإنكليزيّة. تدور أحداث الحكاية على كوكب في مجرة بيكارو وتركّز على اللّغة والشخصيّات.
MAD‎ 122.40
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تساعد حكاية The Party Planet على دعم المتعلّمين في مراحلهم الأولى من تعلّم اللّغة الإنكليزيّة. تدور أحداث الحكاية على كوكب في مجرة بيكارو وتركّز على اللّغة والشخصيّات.
MAD‎ 122.40
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With her little dog Uthando, Ubuhle bathes under the sun and daydreams with a wild imagination. She meets a wise butterfly that teaches her the true meaning of beauty. A story that brings forth the importance of self-acceptance, self-confidence, and the power of positive encouragement.
MAD‎ 183.54
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Once there was a place where artists created perfectly imperfect, unique puzzles. Joy, beauty, happiness and cooperation flourished. The world was co-created in each intricate and mysterious puzzle piece. Then something sad happened. Uniformity and rules were imposed upon the puzzle makers. What...
MAD‎ 183.54
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Mokili walks with his cat Mbuma in a forest with tropical fruit trees. He tries to pick a mango to eat and discovers that it speaks. The fruit becomes his guide to conscious eating and achieving a joyful relationship with food through appreciating the elements of nature. Mokili's story also...
MAD‎ 183.54
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Food for thought: where do children from multiple cultures call home? Join Layan and her friends on a mouth-watering journey where they explore different cultures and make a delectable discovery about the limitless love between family that knows no borders. Here, you will find the answer that...
MAD‎ 122.40
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As Aliya and Zade enjoy their family picnic in the mangroves, they come across a young falcon, crying because he is lost and cant find his way to the hyacinth party. Eager to help the sad falcon, Aliya and Zade agree to help him solve a few riddles in order to unlock a password that will take him...
MAD‎ 139.04
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My teacher is missing, where could she be? Every page of this inspired story will take readers on a different adventure as readers try to figure out: where is my teacher?
MAD‎ 125.15
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Children’s story series in local settings. This is a story that tackles with the issue of renewable and non-renewable sources of energy and brings awareness to children and lets them be advocates of environmental friendly choices.
MAD‎ 159.96
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The book ‘Super Kids’ strikes a chord with every reader – whether a child or parent/educator. The book is interactive as it narrates the story of how children fight cancer and entices children to take part in the numerous activities across the pages. It tells the story of how Super Sam and his...
MAD‎ 159.96
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Cousins Faiz, Khadija, Ibrahim and Hafsa are looking forward to spending Ramadan with their beloved Haboba. They seem to be off to a disappointing start, but little do the gang know that they are in for a sweet surprise after all.
MAD‎ 127.91
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A Ramadan story from the suburbs of Australia about a boy on a special mission. Ten-year-old Ayman is all set to treat his family to a fabulous spread of traditional Algerian dishes for Iftar. He has rolled up his sleeves and donned his chef’s hat. Will everything go according to plan? Only time...
MAD‎ 127.91
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Little Farid embarks on an adventurous journey on a fateful night not realising what’s in store. Will he make it through the woods back home safely? Find out more in this heartwarming tale of family and friendships narrated by an unlikely character.
MAD‎ 127.91
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This is a story of Coco, a fun-loving raccoon who makes the bold decision to slip himself into a bag and fly on a plane for an adventure. Unaware of his destination, he lands in the UAE and is taken by complete surprise. His exploits begin in Abu Dhabi where he makes an unlikely but delightful...
MAD‎ 127.91
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Watch Us Play is for parents, guardians and teachers who want to understand why children love playing videogames, how to more effectively manage device time without the arguments, and how to use videogames to improve the maths skills of children
MAD‎ 239.89
شحن مجاني
Where is Blue Bird” is a delightful book crafted by Raya Halet and Julie Mallon, with charming illustrations by Suzanne Darka. Designed with babies aged 0-6 months in mind, the book aims to make a positive impact on their daily summer routines. This book provides an engaging and interactive...
MAD‎ 255.92
شحن مجاني
Melba the Camel knew that a best friend would make him very happy; someone who would accept him as he was and help him to become who he should be. Melba loved his family and his brothers and sisters that he played with out on the great plains, but he realized that he did not have a best friend...
MAD‎ 122.40
شحن مجاني
Set in a forest far, far away, a unique friendship blossoms between an elephant and a butterfly, despite their big differences. One day, a great storm came and ravaged through the forest, causing immense destruction! Looking at the devastation, the duo took it upon themselves to save their home...
MAD‎ 122.40
شحن مجاني
“The Very Bored Butter Slice” is the world’s laziest condiment you’ll ever see. It sleeps on its piece of toast all day, snacking on cookies and jam. But fear not! The formerly “Very Bored Fluff Ball” is called into the Way Out of Boredom Inc. by the one and only stranger. After a short...
MAD‎ 143.94
شحن مجاني
Five-year-old Rosie often wonders about the thing called “future.” The word gets thrown around a lot. At home or in school, while playing or learning, she hears the word here and there. It seems to be present everywhere. As often as she hears it, or perhaps because she hears it all too often,...
MAD‎ 122.40
شحن مجاني
Where is Blue Bird” is a delightful book crafted by Raya Halet and Julie Mallon, with charming illustrations by Suzanne Darkan. Designed with babies aged 0-6 months in mind, the book aims to make a positive impact on their daily summer routines. This book provides an engaging and...
MAD‎ 253.37
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