شحن مجاني
We play many roles in life and wear many hats: the human, the individual, the romantic, the man or woman, the parent, etc.  Can you make a connection with someone who seems so foreign to you, someone who wears hats you can’t begin to understand? Hats that - on first glance - may even seem...
LBP‎ 1,614,000.00
شحن مجاني
Have you ever read or studied Islam? If not, then this book will guide you in the knowledge of Islam and where to start off if you are interested in studying the religion. It covers the basics and is a spark to discover further for clear concepts of what the religion discusses.
LBP‎ 1,356,000.00
شحن مجاني
Chemical industries, dairy units, oil and gas refineries," petro-chemical complexes and fertilizer manufacturing units are few of those areas which are incomplete without anti-corrosive treatment for concrete surface. Environmental effects, spillage and dust- emission are few of those...
LBP‎ 1,356,000.00
شحن مجاني
This is a book of poetry written by an author with substantial experiences of both the East and the West. This short book treats disparate themes pivoting around religion, philosophy, politics and depictions of urban space.
LBP‎ 1,356,000.00
شحن مجاني
Sit back and marvel at the beauty of these messages and how they whisper the secrets of the universe.   No matter where you are at present, high in happiness, nothing much happening or beneath a boulder of stress, sadness or pain, these messages will make you contemplate and re-examine...
LBP‎ 1,442,000.00
شحن مجاني
Happiness is the main goal for everyone in life. Work places are also focusing on happiness among their employees. Recently, many countries started to organize conferences and summits about happiness in work place. This means that happiness became an essential concept and requirement...
LBP‎ 1,442,000.00
شحن مجاني
وَلِيَتَذَكَّرَ أُولُو الْأَلْبَابِ AND THOSE WITH UNDERSTANDING DERIVE A LESSON, (Surah Saad, Verse 29) Shariah is one. You may call ‘truth’ by any name but the source is singular. In the propagation of truthfulness and veracity, there is no uniqueness. Instead, there will be a repetition...
LBP‎ 1,356,000.00
شحن مجاني
Hiba El Ayal is a Lebanese lady born in UAE. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Biology. She has diversified experience in different multinational corporate companies is passionate about Education and its role in self-development, so she crossed continents to follow her passion in Education...
LBP‎ 1,270,000.00
شحن مجاني
This is a collection of poems written as a response towards the incidents that transpired in the span of 11 months which were a transition point for me. These 11 months shaped my thoughts, my beliefs and tested my sanity in different ways. The poems were written at the airport stairs,...
LBP‎ 1,270,000.00
شحن مجاني
Look what happens When we don’t listen To the divine music. We lace our songs With hurtful melodies.
LBP‎ 1,356,000.00
شحن مجاني
The Future Of Television News Is Now. Are You Ready For It? Television news – which has played a crucial role in the world’s most momentous events, from wars and royal wedding to mankind’s first steps on the Moon – is in the midst of a digital-fueled revolution. In its early years, TV news...
LBP‎ 1,528,000.00
شحن مجاني
After experiencing the horrific events of a sexual assault," the speaker of this book embarks on the journey of recovery. The story on these pages is a reflection of what she went through and the choices she made in order to help her move on. Told with the perspective of a racing mind, the...
LBP‎ 1,356,000.00
شحن مجاني
Anxiety is the most common issue in the world of mental health. This book discusses the treatment and reflects on how to deal with anxiety issues in a completely different way. It does not tell you to work harder and look happier, nor does it tell you to fake it until you make it. Rather,...
LBP‎ 1,442,000.00
شحن مجاني
To have life is to know death, To have love is to know grief," To have time is to know it is brief. –Razan H. Abdul Majeed This beautiful collection of poetry expresses raw sentiments that speak to our deepest part. Written in an authentic voice, On Loss: A Daughter’s Journey Through Grief...
LBP‎ 1,356,000.00
شحن مجاني
Brew some tea and bring your favorite fork, you’re about to enjoy something truly delicious! Performance Invoking Equation, PIE, is your saving grace at work. It helps you develop the right mindset and gain the right tools to help you constantly do a good job while still allowing you time...
LBP‎ 1,614,000.00
شحن مجاني
Inspired by the incidents in real life, the young mind of a seven-year-old drifts beyond the world known to her eyes. Stimulated by the power of her creativity, dreams transport her into the captivating enormity of an enchanting universe beyond Earth.  Fueled by the fascination for...
LBP‎ 1,442,000.00
شحن مجاني
Scribbling, scribbling on the wall, A wall of love," hate… Full of uproar A piece of art began to fall From my heart, striking it all Into fragments from my soul Shattered, broken chaos uproar Striving to remedy my life-long scar Scribbling, scribbling on the wall…
LBP‎ 1,200,000.00
شحن مجاني
And with every ending comes a new beginning. Like when you finish watching your favorite TV show, or reading a great book series, or even writing a poetry book… When an author concludes their final artwork, the piece will keep on being interpreted and left unforgotten. This may be my last words...
LBP‎ 1,442,000.00
شحن مجاني
Lessons learned: 1 - Love is a promise. 2 - Never force love, let it come to you organically. 3 - Love is a choice. 4 - The key for a successful relationship is patience. 5 - Twin flames do exist. 6 - You should never hide your feelings. 7 - It is not healthy to choose for someone, let them take...
LBP‎ 1,200,000.00
شحن مجاني
Evergreen follows an introverted, and somewhat judgmental girl with a really unsettling name that is only known by few. Her ideal way of life is different from most people in her school and her family. Whether she's at home with her mother and little sister, or at school with an awful teacher, a...
LBP‎ 1,200,000.00
شحن مجاني
Reflections may just seem like mirror images on water, but they gloriously differ with the eye of the beholder. They are what the viewer perceives them to be, from their view. This collection of poems, Reflections, encompasses musings on nature, human interactions and the emotions that connect us...
LBP‎ 1,200,000.00
شحن مجاني
Tired of feeling cold, Podge the Penguin decides to go on holiday. With his suitcase packed, he embarks on his first ever adventure. Who will he meet and what will he see in the wonderful country of the United Arab Emirates?
LBP‎ 1,270,000.00
شحن مجاني
In this book, Adi Mazen has previewed the HR body of knowledge in a very easy and creative way that will constitute a change in the way how HR professionals should build their contemporary HR departments. The four levels of HR excellence model that the book was based upon are eye-opening. It will...
LBP‎ 1,787,000.00
شحن مجاني
It’s not about finally being happy,  But how I got there. You won’t hear what you want to hear, What you already believe, And that’s the best part.
LBP‎ 1,270,000.00
شحن مجاني
When a dream touches reality, it becomes possible to happen. No matter what I lost in my life, I always looked at the bright side. I always suppressed my pain to be able to move on. I believe that if your new year is just like the year before then you need to get yourself a job. When I was fed up...
LBP‎ 1,356,000.00
شحن مجاني
Sparking a love of reading, one little bear at a time. The book explores an inquisitive bear’s discovery of nature. A sense of wonder is awakened as he encounters big horn sheep on edges so steep, buzzing bees making honey in a tree, and salmon in the clear blue creek. Come join this nature-based...
LBP‎ 1,270,000.00
شحن مجاني
Many different traditional visions and philosophies surround us. Our ears are accustomed to it, and its dialectics became familiar and outdated in our minds, so that their luster becomes subject to the developments of the human mind. Humanity periodically needs a permanent brainstorming process...
LBP‎ 1,442,000.00
شحن مجاني
The author suffers from social anxiety disorder. Problem is, no one seems to quite understand what that is. What does social anxiety look like on the ground? In therapy? In day-to-day living? How can a therapist or a family member understand how our minds work? What can we do to fight this...
LBP‎ 1,442,000.00
شحن مجاني
In the midst of pain and darkness, keep a hopeful heart. Know that there is a way out. It is a way you may have never thought existed, but it does exist, and it exists in your core. Look deeply, take a long deep breath and find your realness. Sit in the stillness of your mind and hear your true...
LBP‎ 1,442,000.00
شحن مجاني
Sophie Bethalion is a normal child who goes to school daily. One day a mysterious shadow catches her attention on her way to school. She starts noticing that same shadow more often. On one occasion, it starts to snow heavily and that results in students having a day off. However, that doesn’t...
LBP‎ 1,385,000.00
شحن مجاني
We are constantly changing in an ever-evolving world. Accepting these shifts while surrendering to the flow may seem difficult, yet with the right mindset and tools, thoughts can be readjusted accordingly. Constant change impacts our daily lives without us even realising that it has. It is human...
LBP‎ 1,270,000.00
شحن مجاني
During the school day, I was never able to talk about how I felt because I didn’t have the words to express those feelings.   The words seemed to be hidden inside of me!   Worried William’s Hidden Words is a poetry book that allows you to see the words that I kept hidden for so long.   For me,...
LBP‎ 1,614,000.00
شحن مجاني
A golden ticket turns a dream into a nightmare, trapping Lennie in a stormy island. Will she have the courage and patience to reach her dream?
LBP‎ 1,701,000.00
شحن مجاني
First of all, naming my book came easily to me. The first title that came to my mind was“Intellectual Development Using Technical Terminology,” but shortly before publishing the book I changed the title to one that is closer to my heart. I also did that because the purpose behind the book is to...
LBP‎ 1,294,000.00
شحن مجاني
SAVING THE WORD “ This story talks about two cousins who are best friends but when Yousef had to go to school Miriam was so sad their parents decided something that will make them happy but what is it....??
LBP‎ 1,215,000.00
شحن مجاني
The book is about a character who is born and brought up in the UAE. The story involves the person’s journey from childhood to adulthood and also talks about the personal achievements during his life. There are also explanations about his experiences in a new country and how he adjusted to the...
LBP‎ 1,215,000.00
شحن مجاني
According to your agency’s website you’re actively seeking original fiction stories, soI’m pleased to introduce my novel, The Man in the White Sandals.
LBP‎ 1,215,000.00
شحن مجاني
Life is a long journey that is full of challenges and difficulties that will face you while you are trying to achieve your dreams. In this book I wrote about the things that I learned in my life, things I experienced and some I read about. You will learn
LBP‎ 1,200,000.00
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Mathematics book for kids 
LBP‎ 1,200,000.00
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LBP‎ 1,450,000.00
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LBP‎ 1,636,000.00
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LBP‎ 1,215,000.00
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LBP‎ 1,200,000.00
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LBP‎ 1,200,000.00
شحن مجاني
shadow of the south
LBP‎ 1,200,000.00
شحن مجاني
The legend of Saint George and the Dragon is well known. It’s in books and statues and on coins. But that is not the true story. Black Swan Saga tells the true story. St George is misguided by stories of heroes killing dragons, and rescuing and marrying a princess. In the true story, the Dragon...
LBP‎ 1,294,000.00
شحن مجاني
Kacey was a Greek girl who was restricted in her social life. She had a free spirit and wanted to enjoy her freedom like her Australian friends and workmates, but her mother especially wanted to marry her off to a Greek boy as soon as possible. She disobeys her parents and goes out without their...
LBP‎ 1,294,000.00
شحن مجاني
 Grandmother Fran’s proper name is Frances Plum. She was born and raised in what was once a farm community, in Niagara County, New York. The house was a century-old Victorian. Frances, her grandson Mitchell, and Jerry (the bully) are the most significant stars of this story. There are many...
LBP‎ 1,907,000.00
شحن مجاني
An epic tale of valour and bravery that tests the friendship of two strong lads. Hot-headed Akihiro wishes he can own the purple card some day and be the best fighter in their village. In his pursuit of becoming the ultimate, he is faced with countless challenges in terms of friendship, loyalty...
LBP‎ 1,635,000.00
شحن مجاني
 The word ‘life’ conjures the ordinary and the ordinary are experiences common to all humans except that their routineness, their repetition, their commonality make them invisible in the busy-ness of loaded days. This book tries to make them visible again. Human experiences are varied and many;...
LBP‎ 1,294,000.00
شحن مجاني
For Thomas, life just isn't as simple as it used to be. His parents have 'suggested' that he get married soon. He would prefer to join a priesthood somewhere and focus on developing spirituality. With his birthday fast approaching, and accepting that it's time to come to terms with his repressed...
LBP‎ 1,294,000.00
شحن مجاني
A new adventure is waiting for Kyle after being taken by an unknown guy to a far-off land called the Renion Island, and from that moment, his life is completely changed. What’s the journey all about? Does his life spiral downhill? And does his life get better? You’ll find out after you read.
LBP‎ 1,215,000.00
شحن مجاني
Following the death of her husband, a Saxon Earl more than twice her age, a young Norman lady of noble birth is allowed to return to her home in France. But that journey is fraught with danger. Conspiracy, family secrets, stolen jewellery and a raid by Welsh brigands from across the border all...
LBP‎ 1,529,000.00
شحن مجاني
A Practice tells the stories of twelve school children, each working one-on-one with a tutor to resolve their learning problem. The 'tutor', a psychologist trained at Bank Street College of Education in The Clinical Teaching Model (by Selma Sapir), describes the trials and triumphs of therapeutic...
LBP‎ 1,372,000.00
شحن مجاني
The book conveys in an easy-to-understand language the most complicated, critical knowledge and processes involved in aircraft ground handling. At the same time, the book gives an overview of the airport, the multitude of agencies operating or servicing the airport, basic or core aviation...
LBP‎ 4,087,000.00
شحن مجاني
So much advice, so many opinions, but how do you know whom to trust to become lastingly happier? Science. This easy-to-understand, practical workbook is designed for you, the serious happiness achiever who wants to learn what science has to say about the means to achieve greater happiness. It...
LBP‎ 1,294,000.00
شحن مجاني
Being Friends
LBP‎ 1,200,000.00
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MOSHAGheb diaries
LBP‎ 1,244,000.00
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finding the oasis
LBP‎ 1,244,000.00
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life when social media stops
LBP‎ 1,244,000.00
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reading strategy to achieve goals
LBP‎ 1,244,000.00
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A thriller fiction story where Elle finds herself trapped in an ethereal state between life and death to come to terms with her own mortality with the help of five guardians who lead her to a fate, maybe worse than death
LBP‎ 1,244,000.00
شحن مجاني
The story demonstrates how a young soul could change into a mature one with experiences and prove that age is just a number. Furthermore, the reader gets to live her life, watch her deal with her issues and meet new people that later on either break her
LBP‎ 1,200,000.00
شحن مجاني
Three sister who would like to share with you their joyful moments, and recall what they went through their summer
LBP‎ 1,200,000.00
شحن مجاني
Prim finds her way into a village where her abilities are put to the test, but it doesn't last long. When Prim finds something that hits close to home, its up to her choose between two paths she never though would be hers
LBP‎ 1,322,000.00
شحن مجاني
Prim finds her way into a village where her abilities are put test, But is dose
LBP‎ 1,322,000.00
شحن مجاني
Sheikha is a young woman from Dubai who dreams of love in a traditional society. When she was a sophomore at college, her first love proposed but her father refused. Six years later, Sheikha is still single. Her first love reappears in her life
LBP‎ 1,401,000.00
شحن مجاني
I was given an opportunity to study abroad, collect all that possible knowledge from its sources, the pride of higher education, new friends, snowfall, bad coffee, cold sores, excessive weight, fast food, Hollywood
LBP‎ 1,244,000.00
شحن مجاني
A Journey Within takes you on a powerful and stirring journey through life – a journey that is relived and retold through first-hand experiences of love, faith, courage, desire and many other emotions
LBP‎ 1,200,000.00
شحن مجاني
"UAE Pioneers 2014" book, memorializes inspirational success stories of the figures who were honoured, it takes you in a fast tour with the honourees to know about their careers which was full of challenges they faced
LBP‎ 1,200,000.00
شحن مجاني
Ahmed Khalifa Al Suwaidi is the first to read the historic statement of the founding of the UAE on December 2, 1971. He then went on to become the first UAE Foreign Minister and was the most prominent adviser to Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan for several years until he was appointed as...
LBP‎ 1,200,000.00
شحن مجاني
UAE Pioneers 2016
LBP‎ 1,200,000.00
شحن مجاني
Big changes happened in Luke’s life. He moved to a new country and started at a new school. These big life events made him feel sad and angry.    We all experience moments in our lives when we feel a little down. In times like these, we could benefit from the help of a psychologist who can...
LBP‎ 1,326,000.00
شحن مجاني
The story revolves around a young lady named Zainab, a medical student about to make one of the most important decisions of her life – choosing Mr. Right. It portrays the influence that family, friends and people have in the southwest African Yoruba traditional setting where females are...
LBP‎ 1,200,000.00
شحن مجاني
الذهاب للمدرسة ممتع، بوقت اللعب نقفز ونجري ونتمرجح، شاركونا متعة التعلم واللعب في المدرسة.
LBP‎ 1,200,000.00
شحن مجاني
Follow Amal’s imagination through the very depths of the sea. Only, this isn’t just a sea where fish swim freely, but where kittens enjoy milk, rabbits eat lots of carrots and where mother and child swim amongst toys.
LBP‎ 1,200,000.00
شحن مجاني
‘Suhail’s Abu Dhabi Adventure’ sees our story’s hero set off on a long and difficult journey over the mountains and through the desert. Upon reaching the customs house at Maqta, he starts his exploration of the western seashore and islands. ‘Suhail’s Abu Dhabi Adventure’ is the sequel...
LBP‎ 1,200,000.00
شحن مجاني
Woody grew up and ought to go to school for the first time in his life, how will the students deal with him? He’s made of soft wood, whereas they’re all made of strong iron.
LBP‎ 1,200,000.00
شحن مجاني
My parents do not live in the same house any more, but they still love me. I live in two separate houses, but I still say: “Good night, Mum” & “Good night, Dad”.
LBP‎ 1,200,000.00
شحن مجاني
I'm tired... really tired! The loud music bothers me, I'm horrified by the dangerous games I play against my will. I have to find a solution to save me from the laziness of my friend Ali! who said these words? What is his story with the hero of our story?
LBP‎ 1,200,000.00
اعرض 80 كتابًا آخر