شحن مجاني
Tout au long des siècles, une bande de terre donnant sur la Méditerranée orientale, avec ses montagnes et ses plaines attire les Empires et abrite les minorités...Dans sa première version, publiée en 1987, Histoire illustrée du Liban décrivait la période allant de l’âge de pierre au début de la...
KWD‎ 6.51
شحن مجاني
Throughout the centuries, a strip of land overlooking the Eastern Mediterranean, with its mountains and plains, has attracted empires and sheltered minorities.The first edition of the Illustrated History of Lebanon was published in 1987. It covered the period extending from the Stone Age until...
KWD‎ 6.51
شحن مجاني
«لو كان عندي أرزَة» كتاب مصوَّرٌ باللّغتين العربيّة والفرنسيّة، قصّة خياليّة قصيرة لكافَّة الأعمار، محورها لبنان ورمزه: الأرزة. النصّ غنيّ برسائل مستوحاة من أفكار الشّباب وتساؤلاتهم، وهدفه في الجوهر تعزيز حسّ المواطنة والانتماء والافتخار بالهويّة اللّبنانيّة، رغم الأوضاع الحاليّة الصعبة. عبر حوار...
KWD‎ 10.02
شحن مجاني
Cet album raconte comment est née cette passion de l’aventure, ce désir de dépassement de soi et ce respect immodéré de cette nature généreuse qui nous entoure et que certains de nos comportements irresponsables mettent en danger.
KWD‎ 7.02
شحن مجاني
This book recounts how it was all born: this passion for adventure, this desire to surpass oneself, and this inordinate respect for the generous nature that surrounds us and that some of our irresponsible behavior is putting at risk.
KWD‎ 7.02
شحن مجاني
This second volume of the adventures of Maximum Max tells how this extreme sportsman, just back from Kilimanjaro, next attempts three more peaks of the Seven Summits challenge: Russia’s Mount Elbrus, the tallest in Europe; Argentina’s Aconcagua, the highest in South America; and, finally,...
KWD‎ 7.02
شحن مجاني
Ce deuxième album des aventures de Maximum Max raconte comment ce sportif de l’extrême, à peine redescendu du mont Kilimandjaro, se lance dans l’ascension de trois autres cimes figurant dans le Challenge des Sept Sommets : l’Elbrouz, plus haut double sommet de l’Europe et de la Russie ;...
KWD‎ 7.02
شحن مجاني
Cet ouvrage est destiné aux enfants de Petite Section. Il présente des activités attractives et ludiques qui permettront à l’enfant de mobiliser les compétences attendues en première année d’école maternelle. Il s’agit ici : de découvrir les nombres en reconnaissant des petites quantités ; de...
KWD‎ 3.67
شحن مجاني
Cet ouvrage est destiné aux enfants de Petite Section. Il présente des activités attractives et ludiques qui permettront à l’enfant de mobiliser les compétences attendues en première année d’école maternelle. Il s’agit ici : de découvrir les nombres en reconnaissant des petites quantités ; de...
KWD‎ 3.67
شحن مجاني
Cet ouvrage est destiné aux enfants de Petite Section. Il présente des activités attractives et ludiques qui permettront à l’enfant de mobiliser les compétences attendues en première année d’école maternelle. Il s’agit ici : de découvrir les nombres en reconnaissant des petites quantités ; de...
KWD‎ 3.67
شحن مجاني
Cet ouvrage est destiné aux enfants de Petite Section. Il présente des activités attractives et ludiques qui permettront à l’enfant de mobiliser les compétences attendues en première année d’école maternelle. Il s’agit ici : de découvrir les nombres en reconnaissant des petites quantités ; de...
KWD‎ 3.67
شحن مجاني
Cet ouvrage est destiné aux enfants de Petite Section. Il présente des activités attractives et ludiques qui permettront à l’enfant de mobiliser les compétences attendues en première année d’école maternelle. Il s’agit ici : de découvrir les nombres en reconnaissant des petites quantités ; de...
KWD‎ 3.67
شحن مجاني
Cet ouvrage est destiné aux enfants de Petite Section. Il présente des activités attractives et ludiques qui permettront à l’enfant de mobiliser les compétences attendues en première année d’école maternelle. Il s’agit ici : de découvrir les nombres en reconnaissant des petites quantités ; de...
KWD‎ 3.67
شحن مجاني
Cet ouvrage est destiné aux enfants de Petite Section. Il présente des activités attractives et ludiques qui permettront à l’enfant de mobiliser les compétences attendues en première année d’école maternelle. Il s’agit ici : de découvrir les nombres en reconnaissant des petites quantités ; de...
KWD‎ 3.67
شحن مجاني
Cet ouvrage est destiné aux enfants de Petite Section. Il présente des activités attractives et ludiques qui permettront à l’enfant de mobiliser les compétences attendues en première année d’école maternelle. Il s’agit ici : de découvrir les nombres en reconnaissant des petites quantités ; de...
KWD‎ 3.67
شحن مجاني
Cet ouvrage est destiné aux enfants de Petite Section. Il présente des activités attractives et ludiques qui permettront à l’enfant de mobiliser les compétences attendues en première année d’école maternelle. Il s’agit ici : de découvrir les nombres en reconnaissant des petites quantités ; de...
KWD‎ 3.67
شحن مجاني
Let’s Read! est une collection d’histoires bilingues pour les enfants qui lisent en autonomie. Les enfants prendront plaisir à explorer leur « nouvelle » langue en lisant ces histoires originales et variées. Le texte parallèle, les dessins et les bulles fournissent autant de passerelles vers la...
KWD‎ 3.67
شحن مجاني
Tina wants to make friends with the new girl next door but she gets off to a bad start. Then, when things start to disappear, Tina gets the blame. But who is the real thief? The parallel stories in alternating language chapters will help you to find out - in English and French!
KWD‎ 3.67
شحن مجاني
Ali's donkey strays into the arena during a very important chariot race - and wins the race! The parallel stories in alternating language chapters will help you to follow Ali's exciting adventure - in French and English!
KWD‎ 3.67
شحن مجاني
قصص مشوّقة بالإنكليزيّة للقرّاء الصغار، يُتابعونها في نصوصٍ مُوازيةٍ باللغة العربيّة ليفهموا تفاصيلها. لن يكون عليهم أن يتعلّموا كلَّ كلمة يقرؤونها بالإنكليزيّة، بل يُمكنهم أن يركّزوا في الكلمات والتعابير التي تُهمّهم وتُفيدهم. أمّا الأسئلة في الصفحة الأخيرة، فهي تُساعدهم على امتحان معلوماتهم.
KWD‎ 3.67
شحن مجاني
قصص مشوّقة بالإنكليزيّة للقرّاء الصغار، يُتابعونها في نصوصٍ مُوازيةٍ باللغة العربيّة ليفهموا تفاصيلها. لن يكون عليهم أن يتعلّموا كلَّ كلمة يقرؤونها بالإنكليزيّة، بل يُمكنهم أن يركّزوا في الكلمات والتعابير التي تُهمّهم وتُفيدهم. أمّا الأسئلة في الصفحة الأخيرة، فهي تُساعدهم على امتحان معلوماتهم.
KWD‎ 3.67
شحن مجاني
Life is easy for little Zeeko, cared for by his loving friend Mona in a comfortable Beirut household. But when the shooting starts, Zeeko has to make some difficult choices.
KWD‎ 3.67
شحن مجاني
This colorfully illustrated book tells the story of a curious woman called Anda who lived all alone in a hut at the edge of the village. While at first she is laughed at and mocked by the village children, Anda ends up winning their love through laughter and dance. She spreads a universal message...
KWD‎ 3.81
شحن مجاني
On ne présente pas Gibran Khalil Gibran, auteur universellement connu du Prophète, ce livre de sagesse fondamentale et d’initiation aux problèmes et aux questions que pose la vie, résolus par l’intuition poétique. C’est peut-être cette simplicité et cette évidence qui ont fait du Prophète de...
KWD‎ 6.01
شحن مجاني
Il lui avait dit une fois : « Vous savez… Il n’y a pas plus pauvre qu’une femme sans souvenirs. » Plus tard, elle comprendrait que la plus grande douleur ne vient pas de ce qui ne fut jamais à nous, mais de ce que nous avons possédé pour un bref moment et qui nous manquera à jamais. Hâla, dont...
KWD‎ 7.02
شحن مجاني
Life over Death. Triumph over Failure. Hope over Despair. In Tale of Tala, Henry, a bestselling New York writer is trying to cope with the unexpected death of his mother and the failure of his latest book. His life—a triumphant success—had collapsed. Flying to Amsterdam to indulge in decadence...
KWD‎ 7.02
شحن مجاني
Kamal Salibi, professor of history at the American University of Beirut, reveals startling linguistic evidence which controversially suggests that Judaism originated not in Palestine but in west Arabia. Whilst looking at the gazetteer of Saudi place names, he noticed a remarkable concentration of...
KWD‎ 8.52
شحن مجاني
Through wars, the collapse of empires, changing views on the role of women in society, economic crises, and more, Lebanese American University has persevered for almost 200 years. From the first school for girls in the Ottoman Empire to an internationally ranked co-ed university serving over 8500...
KWD‎ 16.04
شحن مجاني
Celui qui a goûté la cuisine « maison » du Liban n’en oublie jamais le goût. TARA KHATTAR, jeune cheffe libanaise talentueuse, qui vit aux États-Unis et qui a gagné l’émission américaine Chopped après avoir participé à Top Chef, en France vous invite aujourd’hui à entrer dans son intimité...
KWD‎ 16.04
شحن مجاني
Through lavish illustrations, a modern take on hosting etiquette and a plethora of practical tips and recipes, you will learn to: Design a unique table that reflects your personal taste and style ...Transform everyday objects into beautiful decorative pieces.......Create a warm ambiance and a...
KWD‎ 18.04
شحن مجاني
Around 200 recipes with color photographs of finished dishes as well as Arabic and western desserts. Recipes are presented in a comprehensive, precise and simple manner for optium results and for the reader to master the technique of the professio
KWD‎ 10.02
شحن مجاني
هل تعدّين في منزلك ما تيسّر من الأطباق، وباعتقادك أنّ الأطباق اللبنانيّة من اختصاص والدتك فقط؟ هل تعتبرينها مهمّة مستحيلة لن تتمكّني من إنجازها يومًا؟ هذا الكتاب سيبرهن لك العكس تمامًا! من خلال 250 وصفة سهلة وشهيّة، سيساعدك هذا الكتاب على عدم الشعور بالرهبة عند دخولك المطبخ كمبتدئة، كما سيعجب...
KWD‎ 13.03
شحن مجاني
Faut-il vraiment du culot pour dire ce que je dis ? Faut-il du courage pour admettre ce qui nous fait peur, et parfois même ce qui nous fait honte ? Ça fait longtemps que je ne me pose plus cette question. Maintenant, quand j’écris, je cherche avant tout à m’éplucher, à mieux me comprendre, à...
KWD‎ 7.02
شحن مجاني
Does it really take courage to discuss what we are afraid of, or maybe even ashamed of? I am long past this question. Now, when I write, I mainly seek to discover more of my layers, to raise my level of consciousness, to help others and myself. I don’t see the red flags, I don’t hear the...
KWD‎ 7.02
شحن مجاني
تساعد حكاية Welcome to Farm World على دعم المتعلّمين في مراحلهم الأولى من تعلّم اللّغة الإنكليزيّة. تدور أحداث الحكاية على كوكب في مجرة بيكارو وتركّز على اللّغة والشخصيّات.
KWD‎ 3.67
شحن مجاني
تساعد حكاية Where are the monsters على دعم المتعلّمين في مراحلهم الأولى من تعلّم اللّغة الإنكليزيّة. تدور أحداث الحكاية على كوكب في مجرة بيكارو وتركّز على اللّغة والشخصيّات.
KWD‎ 3.67
شحن مجاني
تساعد حكاية Happy Birthday Draco! على دعم المتعلّمين في مراحلهم الأولى من تعلّم اللّغة الإنكليزيّة. تدور أحداث الحكاية على كوكب في مجرة بيكارو وتركّز على اللّغة والشخصيّات.
KWD‎ 3.67
شحن مجاني
تساعد حكاية Here Comes Spring على دعم المتعلّمين في مراحلهم الأولى من تعلّم اللّغة الإنكليزيّة. تدور أحداث الحكاية على كوكب في مجرة بيكارو وتركّز على اللّغة والشخصيّات.
KWD‎ 3.67
شحن مجاني
Picaro Storybooks are original stories that contain activities which enrich the reading experience at home as well as providing links into classroom learning. Each book is set on one of Picaro Galaxy’s planets and features the language, avatars and characters the children encounter there.
KWD‎ 3.67
شحن مجاني
تساعد حكاية A Night on Dinosaur World على دعم المتعلّمين في مراحلهم الأولى من تعلّم اللّغة الإنكليزيّة. تدور أحداث الحكاية على كوكب في مجرة بيكارو وتركّز على اللّغة والشخصيّات.
KWD‎ 3.67
شحن مجاني
تساعد حكاية What’s that under the bed? على دعم المتعلّمين في مراحلهم الأولى من تعلّم اللّغة الإنكليزيّة. تدور أحداث الحكاية على كوكب في مجرة بيكارو وتركّز على اللّغة والشخصيّات.
KWD‎ 3.67
شحن مجاني
تساعد حكاية You're late, Charlie! على دعم المتعلّمين في مراحلهم الأولى من تعلّم اللّغة الإنكليزيّة. تدور أحداث الحكاية على كوكب في مجرة بيكارو وتركّز على اللّغة والشخصيّات.
KWD‎ 3.67
شحن مجاني
تساعد حكاية Parrots Don't Eat Pasta على دعم المتعلّمين في مراحلهم الأولى من تعلّم اللّغة الإنكليزيّة. تدور أحداث الحكاية على كوكب في مجرة بيكارو وتركّز على اللّغة والشخصيّات.
KWD‎ 3.67
شحن مجاني
تساعد حكاية what a lot of burgers على دعم المتعلّمين في مراحلهم الأولى من تعلّم اللّغة الإنكليزيّة. تدور أحداث الحكاية على كوكب في مجرة بيكارو وتركّز على اللّغة والشخصيّات.
KWD‎ 3.67
شحن مجاني
تساعد حكاية What’s that Noise? على دعم المتعلّمين في مراحلهم الأولى من تعلّم اللّغة الإنكليزيّة. تدور أحداث الحكاية على كوكب في مجرة بيكارو وتركّز على اللّغة والشخصيّات.
KWD‎ 3.67
شحن مجاني
تساعد حكاية A Funny Fishing Trip على دعم المتعلّمين في مراحلهم الأولى من تعلّم اللّغة الإنكليزيّة. تدور أحداث الحكاية على كوكب في مجرة بيكارو وتركّز على اللّغة والشخصيّات.
KWD‎ 3.67
شحن مجاني
تساعد حكاية Yuki’s Trip to the City على دعم المتعلّمين في مراحلهم الأولى من تعلّم اللّغة الإنكليزيّة. تدور أحداث الحكاية على كوكب في مجرة بيكارو وتركّز على اللّغة والشخصيّات.
KWD‎ 3.67
شحن مجاني
تساعد حكاية What’s Next? على دعم المتعلّمين في مراحلهم الأولى من تعلّم اللّغة الإنكليزيّة. تدور أحداث الحكاية على كوكب في مجرة بيكارو وتركّز على اللّغة والشخصيّات.
KWD‎ 3.67
شحن مجاني
تساعد حكاية A Space Holiday على دعم المتعلّمين في مراحلهم الأولى من تعلّم اللّغة الإنكليزيّة. تدور أحداث الحكاية على كوكب في مجرة بيكارو وتركّز على اللّغة والشخصيّات.
KWD‎ 3.67
شحن مجاني
تساعد حكاية The Party Planet على دعم المتعلّمين في مراحلهم الأولى من تعلّم اللّغة الإنكليزيّة. تدور أحداث الحكاية على كوكب في مجرة بيكارو وتركّز على اللّغة والشخصيّات.
KWD‎ 3.67
شحن مجاني
With her little dog Uthando, Ubuhle bathes under the sun and daydreams with a wild imagination. She meets a wise butterfly that teaches her the true meaning of beauty. A story that brings forth the importance of self-acceptance, self-confidence, and the power of positive encouragement.
KWD‎ 5.51
شحن مجاني
Once there was a place where artists created perfectly imperfect, unique puzzles. Joy, beauty, happiness and cooperation flourished. The world was co-created in each intricate and mysterious puzzle piece. Then something sad happened. Uniformity and rules were imposed upon the puzzle makers. What...
KWD‎ 5.51
شحن مجاني
Mokili walks with his cat Mbuma in a forest with tropical fruit trees. He tries to pick a mango to eat and discovers that it speaks. The fruit becomes his guide to conscious eating and achieving a joyful relationship with food through appreciating the elements of nature. Mokili's story also...
KWD‎ 5.51
شحن مجاني
Tia, the most powerful witch of her time, leaves her position at the Court of Wizards and, with a scarf hiding her purple locks, passes through the ancient walls of Paiza. As an assistant to the court magician, Tia spends her days brewing trickster potions, gossiping with Anna, navigating her way...
KWD‎ 4.17
شحن مجاني
On the surface, the Circus of Dreams travels around the Continent of Eiliron entertaining the people of the seven kingdoms with their frivolity and sleights of hand. But beloved ringmaster and head puppeteer, Master Jeskil, is soon manipulating more than puppet strings when he is drawn into a...
KWD‎ 4.17
شحن مجاني
"Tia, a powerful young magic wielder, has found a home in Paiza, a city filled with steam-operated inventions. She is happy working alongside the court magician Burk to fortify the city and is excited to know Rhein, the king, more. Yet as the city celebrates the Falling Leaves festival, the...
KWD‎ 4.17
شحن مجاني
Food for thought: where do children from multiple cultures call home? Join Layan and her friends on a mouth-watering journey where they explore different cultures and make a delectable discovery about the limitless love between family that knows no borders. Here, you will find the answer that...
KWD‎ 3.67
شحن مجاني
As Aliya and Zade enjoy their family picnic in the mangroves, they come across a young falcon, crying because he is lost and cant find his way to the hyacinth party. Eager to help the sad falcon, Aliya and Zade agree to help him solve a few riddles in order to unlock a password that will take him...
KWD‎ 4.17
شحن مجاني
My teacher is missing, where could she be? Every page of this inspired story will take readers on a different adventure as readers try to figure out: where is my teacher?
KWD‎ 3.76
شحن مجاني
It's a bitter truth that we live in an age of vulnerable systems, where our existence is completely dependent on them. Cyber attacks can cause greater damage than actual war losses for a country that is unprepared for them. After several incidents that impacted social order, governments have...
KWD‎ 5.76
شحن مجاني
Cuppy Cup arrives at Times Square, New York City at one of America’s biggest makeup events, ‘Shade Away.’ She is greeted by thousands of fans; she then asks the worker to fetch her a cappuccino. As the worker came back, she was appalled to see that the worker ordered her a latte. After...
KWD‎ 3.84
شحن مجاني
After the unforeseen disruption in his daily bread distribution, the Kildare Hall baker swiftly hopped into his van. While doing it, a nasty shiver went up his body as he spotted from the corner of his eye someone peering from the attic’s window. He rubbed his eyes and glanced at the window...
KWD‎ 5.28
شحن مجاني
The rain became more and more abundant as if the sky had become a giant water bladder that was cut in length with a sharp dagger, the wind performing the dance of madness without stopping and its voices are the howling of old women after a great pandemic. Samha is on its way to its inevitable...
KWD‎ 3.67
شحن مجاني
In a disenchanted world which lacks magic, it might help to go back a bit and reconnect with our humanity spreading some hope and tolerance. Empowering girls, allowing the dream to grow is the next challenge in our world in general and our region. A light read which reconnects with a culture of...
KWD‎ 3.84
شحن مجاني
Dite a tí mismo que eres confiado, seguro, fuerte, audaz, respetuoso y amado. Tales palabras promueven la confianza en tí mismo. No significan que seas un egoísta egocéntrico. Dios te ha creado y te ha honrado, así que hónrate y estímate. ¡La persona que más puede influenciarte eres TÚ! El...
KWD‎ 4.32
شحن مجاني
Will the darkness continue? Is this the end of the road? Will the sun rise again? Can I live again? Or is it too late? Many questions wrestle in Camila's head in her new home, waiting. What happened to her, and where is she? All this is here in God’s Miracles.
KWD‎ 3.67
شحن مجاني
Human nature is based on contradictions and the constant struggle between good and evil. There is no good based on transgressing the humanity of the innocent and violating covenants and oaths among people. A good act, no matter how benevolent it seems, if done by force is no different than any evil.
KWD‎ 3.67
شحن مجاني
As usual, Danny and Sammy were heading to their school when they came across a magnificent finding that would turn the day into an exciting adventure as they made friends with a unique baby dragon. Danny and Sammy discovered their brotherhood bond and ability to care for a baby dragon they named...
KWD‎ 3.67
شحن مجاني
Are you concerned about passing the Maritime oral exam? Do you feel overburdened by the amount of knowledge you need to acquire? Stop fretting! Oral Preparation Watchkeeper Deck Mates Question and Answer Guidelines is the book for you and the solution to your worries. Becoming a Watchkeeper Deck...
KWD‎ 4.80
شحن مجاني
All the Things That Change Us takes the readers in a beautiful journey of change while navigating love, grief, disappointment, and hope. It talks about all the challenges and difficulties we face while trying to navigate life and how we overcome those challenges. This book sends a very powerful...
KWD‎ 3.67
شحن مجاني
this is a poetry collection; a journey of change of perception,  a product of chaos, a reflection of a tear wiped, a lesson of a wound dried, a build-up of growth, from my heart to yours, to hold on.
KWD‎ 3.84
شحن مجاني
Long ago, on a faraway island called The Great Isle, lived many creatures like evil villains, zombies, pirates, and more magical creatures. Queen Malum was ruling the island happily until the citizens of The Great Isle took off her crown because she wasn’t ruling well. Taking the crown off her...
KWD‎ 3.67
شحن مجاني
Rest in Chaos is a book of experiences, based on real events that have happened in my life, but written in a metaphorical way to disguise who each story is about. The book speaks of all the ups and downs, the battles against depression, love, bullying, loss, and family. This book was written as...
KWD‎ 3.67
شحن مجاني
Meet BooBoo – A ten-year-old boy who brings a small African grey parrot as a pet into his house. BooBoo’s loner life is gets more interesting. But with time, a few things begin to change between two friends and later, he realizes that all living creatures have emotions in the same manner as...
KWD‎ 3.84
شحن مجاني
I’ve always dreamed of a poetry scene in the UAE. Not a fleeting stage but an immortal book, to hold our painted words and bring them to the hands of those who would read them. I myself write but I didn’t imagine this book with me alone. I wanted it to express a multitude of emotions, ideas and...
KWD‎ 3.67
شحن مجاني
Folk Tales is a collection of 60 tales written in a stylish poetic language distributed between three books, referred to as Folk Tales: How I Came, Folk Tales: How I Stayed and Folk Tales: How I Left. The tales are referred to as songs and highly driven by the bard imagination, such tales assumes...
KWD‎ 6.72
شحن مجاني
In his remarkable debut book, Qualities of a Happy Marriage, author Afonso Daniel Sanana shares the secrets to building a fulfilling marriage. He weaves an intricate tapestry of heartfelt wisdom and profound insight, taking readers on a transformative exploration of the core qualities that make...
KWD‎ 3.67
شحن مجاني
An old soul with a modern view Numerous traumas she went through She managed to emerge though with new mindsets On a recovery journey, on herself she bets She might seem simple on the surface Yet, she's boiling inside,trapped in a thermos She claimed her feelings, identified them Unearthing their...
KWD‎ 3.67
شحن مجاني
The book is a celebration of accepting and embracing our past, with all of its joys and sorrows. Life’s realities always present us with obstacles, but we must learn to accept them with an open heart, letting fresh encounters light in and bringing silver sky and stars to our life. This is the...
KWD‎ 4.32
شحن مجاني
Broken childhood, broken dreams. Never heard, yet misunderstood. Is a home a safe place to be? In this captivating work of extended verse, immerse yourself in the poignant tale of a woman yearning to break free from the shackles of her past. Caught in a web of tangles and knots, she finds solace...
KWD‎ 3.67
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