Leading to Excellence: Exploring the Link between Leadership and Performance

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“Embark on a transformative journey with this groundbreaking leadership book that redefines the dynamics between leadership, organizational culture, and positive organizational outcomes (POO). Going beyond traditional studies, this book introduces a pioneering exploration of often-overlooked factors that significantly influence the relationship between leadership style, organizational culture, and POO. “In a groundbreaking move, this study becomes the first to incorporate essential job resources, including trust and psychological empowerment, alongside organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), as key mediators in the intricate dance between leadership styles, organizational culture, and POO. Notably, trust takes center stage as a critical job resource, drawing inspiration from Social Exchange Theory (SET) and Leader-Member Exchange Theory (LMX), emphasizing its pivotal role in strengthening the bond between leaders and followers. “While prior research has explored empowerment, this book unveils a surprising gap in the literature—the absence of studies delving into the profound impact of trust between leaders and employees. By integrating trust as a central job resource, alongside psychological empowerment and OCB, this book provides a comprehensive understanding of how these factors collectively influence the relationships shaping positive organizational outcomes. “The narrative unfolds with a mission to elucidate the full mechanism through which these mediating factors—trust, psychological empowerment, and OCB—shape the intricate relationship between leadership styles, organizational culture, and positive organizational outcomes. By unveiling uncharted territories, this book stands as an indispensable guide for leaders, offering profound insights to foster stronger relationships and drive positive organizational outcomes.”
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