Mission Zero

شحن مجاني
بقلم(الكاتب)Farah Naz, Nahla Nabil نسعى لتجهيزه للشحن خلال 3 الى 5 ايام عمل
USD‎ 26.99
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Uhibbook Publishing
شحن مجاني حول العالم
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نسخ أصلية

Embark on an extraordinary journey through the knowledgepacked pages of “Mission Zero: Solving the Climate Crisis”: a captivating book that takes young readers on a journey into the world of climate change.

Join Omar and Sara, our courageous young heroes, as they explore the interconnected realms of energy, water, food, and nature.Omar and Sara’s concern and curiosity leads them to unravel the mysteries of sustainable living, as they explore groundbreaking technologies and ingenious solutions to tackle climate change.

Designed for children between the ages of 8-12 years; this book is an empowering educational tool that motivates young minds
to take action.This is a book of firsts:
• First book on climate change written by authors based in the UAE.
• First book that features regional projects showcasing the amazing strides the UAE and the Middle Eastern countries have taken in this space.
• Written by two amazing women professionals working in the field of sustainability.
• Created by an all woman team, pushing the boundaries of technology and creativity.

تاريخ النشر
بلد النشر
عدد الصفحات
نسعى لتجهيزه للشحن خلال
3 الى 5 ايام عمل

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