Aditya is an engineering student from an aristocratic family in his pre-final year. Nitya, a girl from the fishing village near the
engineering college, is in school doing her grade ten examination. An
accidental meeting turns into a love story. Assisted by Aditya, the first
rank grade ten girl becomes a top ranked student in the college while
excelling in sports too. The final day before Aditya leaves after completing
his engineering course, the two love birds become victims of uncontrolled
emotions… Both pursue their academic careers far from each other and become
highly successful… Arathi, Nitya’s daughter is gifted… Misha, daughter of a
CEO of a reputable organization in Mumbai, is a junior in the management
institute and a good singer. She falls in love with Aditya… Though Aditya
cannot forget Nitya, circumstances force Aditya to marry Misha…They both move
to the US… Laxmi and Anand are born there in the US… Arathi stumbles upon the
fact that Laxmi may be her step sister… The story takes a turn from here…