The Princess of Color

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بقلم(الكاتب)Asma Al Memari نسعى لتجهيزه للشحن خلال 3 الى 5 ايام عمل
USD‎ 11.99
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نسخ أصلية
Feeling hopeless from her imprisonment, Amber thinks she will never set foot in the outside world again. As well as her evil parents there is also a terrible curse on her. Her freedom has a terrible effect on the villagers. Until the gloomiest day arrives which turns out to be the best for her but not her captors. Her rescuer comes from an unlikely place and makes her appreciate her situation and life even more. Do you think she will overcome her fear of stepping out from the clocktower? Only time will tell to see what is in store for her and the villagers…

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