Emirati Arabic Verbs Conjunction Tables and Grammar

بقلم(الكاتب)Hanan Alfardan نسعى لتجهيزه للشحن خلالThe UAE in 2-5 business days
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This book is designed to help you understand how 160 of the most used Emirati Arabic verbs are conjugated. The verbs are presented alphabetically in chart form, one verb per page, and conjugated in gour tenses: past, present, future and imperative. If you are just starting to learn Emirati Arabic, going through all the verbs in the book one after another can be a good idea, but if you already know some Emirati Arabic and want to enhance your grammar skills related to specific verbs, feel free to just look up those words and practice using them. In addition to the conjugation tables, you will see many sample sentences to help you become more comfortable in using the verbs, so be sure to keep practicing and reviewing!

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نسعى لتجهيزه للشحن خلال
The UAE in 2-5 business days

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