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Your love is behind the door of your heart. Your heart is in front of the door of my heart, which is behind it, my love. So my heart gave your heart my love, and your heart gave my heart your love, and that circle has no end. Love is blind Love is divine Once you love You forget who you are...
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When Aya moves away from the city to the remote English countryside, she and her step brother, Joe, discover a mysterious world where dark forces exist. What begins as a dream becomes an astonishing adventure where myths and legends come alive. The Night Catchers must not only navigate an...
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Unveiling your mask in darkness takes you to the light of truth.
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Aditya is an engineering student from an aristocratic family in his pre-final year. Nitya, a girl from the fishing village near the engineering college, is in school doing her grade ten examination. An accidental meeting turns into a love story. Assisted by Aditya, the first rank grade ten...
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All my life I have been unable to answer that definitive question. Stumbling into the wrong tales, Admiring my well-manicured nails. Floundering with the ums and hmms, Until I came across those two gems. So please world, do not hesitate to ask me one more time... “How would you describe...
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Erika Darlington is an 18-year-old girl who noticed for a long time that there was a guy who lived in her room and no one could see him except her. She finds his absence terrifying and his presence comforting and safe until he starts talking with her.
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This is my first ever endeavor to create a ‘garland of rhyming words’. People usually call them poem… For me, not even one is less than a pearl. This is just an encouragement and inspiration for me to pen and weave more such beautiful garlands. As a human being, we have various traits which...
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A few verses written to relieve personal struggle and stress," an expression of emotions that forces connection. One verse is brutal, the other tender. Has poetic mood swings, poetic madness, poetic blasphemy, poetic godly mysticism. These are the words of the poet about an epic journey...
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It will all go downhill once you hit the twenty bar, you'll see, the prophecy said. Inside this collection lay the tribulations of a soon-to-be twenty-year-old, on her Utopian quest to fight off ticking clocks and clicking locks. Twenty slam poems and ten essays of emotional highs and lows.
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Stories of the seasons And the emotions we hide Under the stormy skies And write into the Setting suns in summer This is where my heart lays And converses with yours Into the sleepless nights Poems for the faded, the brokenhearted, the healing and the happy. You’ll all find your voice here.
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People lead busy lives with emotional strains that are not only guilt-ridden but have underlying issues, making them too scared to lead better lives. The novel takes a turn from the mindless routine to one of the most significant unresolved problems at the subconscious level and merges the...
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We play many roles in life and wear many hats: the human, the individual, the romantic, the man or woman, the parent, etc.  Can you make a connection with someone who seems so foreign to you, someone who wears hats you can’t begin to understand? Hats that - on first glance - may even seem...
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Have you ever read or studied Islam? If not, then this book will guide you in the knowledge of Islam and where to start off if you are interested in studying the religion. It covers the basics and is a spark to discover further for clear concepts of what the religion discusses.
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Chemical industries, dairy units, oil and gas refineries," petro-chemical complexes and fertilizer manufacturing units are few of those areas which are incomplete without anti-corrosive treatment for concrete surface. Environmental effects, spillage and dust- emission are few of those...
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This is a book of poetry written by an author with substantial experiences of both the East and the West. This short book treats disparate themes pivoting around religion, philosophy, politics and depictions of urban space.
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Sit back and marvel at the beauty of these messages and how they whisper the secrets of the universe.   No matter where you are at present, high in happiness, nothing much happening or beneath a boulder of stress, sadness or pain, these messages will make you contemplate and re-examine...
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Happiness is the main goal for everyone in life. Work places are also focusing on happiness among their employees. Recently, many countries started to organize conferences and summits about happiness in work place. This means that happiness became an essential concept and requirement...
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وَلِيَتَذَكَّرَ أُولُو الْأَلْبَابِ AND THOSE WITH UNDERSTANDING DERIVE A LESSON, (Surah Saad, Verse 29) Shariah is one. You may call ‘truth’ by any name but the source is singular. In the propagation of truthfulness and veracity, there is no uniqueness. Instead, there will be a repetition...
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Hiba El Ayal is a Lebanese lady born in UAE. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Biology. She has diversified experience in different multinational corporate companies is passionate about Education and its role in self-development, so she crossed continents to follow her passion in Education...
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This is a collection of poems written as a response towards the incidents that transpired in the span of 11 months which were a transition point for me. These 11 months shaped my thoughts, my beliefs and tested my sanity in different ways. The poems were written at the airport stairs,...
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Look what happens When we don’t listen To the divine music. We lace our songs With hurtful melodies.
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The Future Of Television News Is Now. Are You Ready For It? Television news – which has played a crucial role in the world’s most momentous events, from wars and royal wedding to mankind’s first steps on the Moon – is in the midst of a digital-fueled revolution. In its early years, TV news...
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After experiencing the horrific events of a sexual assault," the speaker of this book embarks on the journey of recovery. The story on these pages is a reflection of what she went through and the choices she made in order to help her move on. Told with the perspective of a racing mind, the...
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Anxiety is the most common issue in the world of mental health. This book discusses the treatment and reflects on how to deal with anxiety issues in a completely different way. It does not tell you to work harder and look happier, nor does it tell you to fake it until you make it. Rather,...
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To have life is to know death, To have love is to know grief," To have time is to know it is brief. –Razan H. Abdul Majeed This beautiful collection of poetry expresses raw sentiments that speak to our deepest part. Written in an authentic voice, On Loss: A Daughter’s Journey Through Grief...
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إذا كُنت لاتعرف إلى أينَ أنتَ ذاهب، فقد لاتُحب إلى أينَ ينتهي بكَ الأمر". عِندما كُنا صِغاراً، كانت أحلامُنا تُداعب النجوم.كان آباءُنا يدافعون عنّا في مواجهة الحياة. لم نشعر بأن الدنيا قاسية، ولم تتقاذفنا الريّاح كورقة صغيرة. رواية تحكي واقع يعيشه أغلبُ الناس، بطلتها فتاة شابة تدعى ياسمين...
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في نهايات عام 2017 ازداد حديث العالم عن ثورة صناعية جديدة ستغيِّر وجه الكرة الأرضية، لن يكون للإنسان فيها دورٌ كبير، ومهام الحياة ستتولاها تقنيات فائقة الذكاء، تُنجز الأعمال بالتعلم الذاتي دون تدخُّل مِن البشر.  توقعوا أن الحياة ستكون أسهل ممَّا كانت عليه، وستخف ضغوط العمل والتفكير التي...
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 خواطر تلامس احتياجات البشر من منظور اجتماعي تعليمي وتربوي، تلامس تلك الوجدانات التي يشعر فيها بعض البشر مِن حب واشتياق ورؤية إلى المستقبل، وتشير بعضها إلى مساوي المتطفلين ونبات السوء النامي في الجوانب المظلمة لبعض البشر.
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Brew some tea and bring your favorite fork, you’re about to enjoy something truly delicious! Performance Invoking Equation, PIE, is your saving grace at work. It helps you develop the right mindset and gain the right tools to help you constantly do a good job while still allowing you time...
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Inspired by the incidents in real life, the young mind of a seven-year-old drifts beyond the world known to her eyes. Stimulated by the power of her creativity, dreams transport her into the captivating enormity of an enchanting universe beyond Earth.  Fueled by the fascination for...
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عندما يجتمع العشق والكراهية والجنون والشغف، وينكسر العناد، ويخضع الكبرياء مِن أجل حُبٍّ صادق يلامس القلب ويتغلغل بالروح. بالنسبة لها كانت هذه المشاعر خرافة وأسطورة لا تؤمن بها، وبالنسبة له كانت هي الأسطورة التي عثر عليها، كانت تتمزق بالمخاوف والظنون، وكان معلَّقًا بين الحياة والموت، أصبح...
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الكِتاب متنوِّع بين الأدب والفلسفة، متعمِّقٌ بعلم النفس والتاريخ وعلوم أخرى كجزء مِن الفلسفة، ويأخذ منحنًى ذا حدَّين ووجهين لعملة واحدة، ويبيِّن لنا أنَّ القراءة هي الأساس، واللغة العربية أمُّ اللغات، ويُغرِقنا في حروف أبجد هَوَّز ، بحيث إنَّ الأمور تترتَّب على المحتوى وليس المعنى العام...
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سيدةُ الألوانِ قصةٌ مِن الأدبِ البيئيِّ، تحكي قصةَ فراشةٍ بديعةٍ، ألوانُ أجنحتِها مِن ألوانِ الزهورِ، وجمالُها مِن جمالِ الغابةِ، تخرجُ معَ صديقتِها بنتِ عيدٍ في جولةٍ، وتنطلقُ الأحداثُ المُشَوِّقَةُ لمواجهةِ ما يعترضُ الغابةَ مِن كوارثَ وآفاتٍ عديدةٍ.
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Scribbling, scribbling on the wall, A wall of love," hate… Full of uproar A piece of art began to fall From my heart, striking it all Into fragments from my soul Shattered, broken chaos uproar Striving to remedy my life-long scar Scribbling, scribbling on the wall…
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يستعرض الكتاب سيرة المسيح عليه السلام مستخلصة من القرآن والسنة، ونصوص الإنجيل المنقولة عن العهد الجديد، مع التركيز على وصايا الخير الواردة على لسان المسيح عليه السلام. متبوعة بدراسة للمقاربة بين النص المنقول من الإنجيل على لسان المسيح، وما ضرب من أمثال في موعظته، وما يقابل هذا النص ويماثله...
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دائماً نسقط لنتعلم، ولكن في أحيان نسقط في عالم اتفق على خذلاننا… البعض ينظر إليك دون أن يفعل شيئاً، يُفضل عدم التدخل؛ لأن هذا هو التصرف العقلاني بنظره، وبعضهم يقدم النصائح التي لا تحتاجها، والبعض يواسيك ويضحكك ويخرجك من الحزن الذي أنت فيه، إلى عالم الأحلام والوهم؛ ولكن هناك النادرون بشدَّة.
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لقد كان العرب في تاريخهم القديم والممتد منذ آلاف السنين قبل الإسلام يعيشون حياة بدوية عرفية محضة، في صحاريهم الشاسعة والمنتشرة في شبه الجزيرة العربية، وينتظمون على شكل قبائل وعشائر مختلفة. وقد أكَّد الكثير من الإخباريين والمؤرخين العرب القدماء ثم المؤرخين المسلمين والمستشرقين بأن العرب أمة من...
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هذا العمل يحوي ترجمة شعرية لأحوال ومواقف شتى تعرَّضتُ لها في مسار حياتي، ما بين فرح وحزن، وحُبٍّ وكُره وانتكاسات... كما هو حال كل البشر، ولكن من حسن حظي أنني أستطيع مشاركة.  هذه الأحوال مع جمهور الناس في صورة شعرية، أتمنى أن تكون على قدر من الحداثة وعدم التكرار.
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And with every ending comes a new beginning. Like when you finish watching your favorite TV show, or reading a great book series, or even writing a poetry book… When an author concludes their final artwork, the piece will keep on being interpreted and left unforgotten. This may be my last words...
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  • LBP1199000
  • LBP5741000
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