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كتب تعليمية تساعد الاطفال على تعلم مهارات في العمليات الحسابية بشكل ذهني وسريع وتمكنهم من الاستغناء عن الالة الحاسبة وتوسع من مداركهم العلمية وتزيد من مستوى التركيز والثقة عند الطفل
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كتب تعليمية تساعد الاطفال على تعلم مهارات في العمليات الحسابية بشكل ذهني وسريع وتمكنهم من الاستغناء عن الالة الحاسبة وتوسع من مداركهم العلمية وتزيد من مستوى التركيز والثقة عند الطفل
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The perfect woman
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prince mustafa
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If you are in love, you need to read this book. If you wanna know how to treat your beloved one, Or how to be treated by your beloved one, you need to read this book. If you broke up and wanna move on easily, you need to read this book. If you want your beloved one feel more loved, you need to...
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The book takes you on a small but dramatic journey in the young life of Sarah. Her trials and tribulations are made our own and we see her sail through them whilst being silent spectators. This story has been inspired by true events. This book will make you feel sorry, guilty, sad, angry, and...
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This door is open for you, calling you into a realm of words, welcoming you to a familiar place, a place that is far away from here, a place that speaks on your behalf, a place that explores the depth and surface of your soul. So come in through this door, Yellow is waiting for you.
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Ayesha, is a growing young lady, in her own manner. She learns the many moods of love and heartbreak, if webbed in confusion and fears of a tragedy unraveling. Expressing her ideas of what love, is and could not be. She pens down her fears, and the confusions she observes, engulfing a man or...
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Adam has a new neighbour named Aziza who is excellent at football. But when Adam goes to see her playing in a match, he realises there is more to her story than this. Read the story to find out how Aziza is truly exceptional and unique.
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“He is exactly what this age needs, a real voice of universal spirituality. His appeal is urgent, human and sacred.” DAN CRUSEY Sidney, Ohio “Each era has its own prophet poets. Russia has been praying and is praying poems by Pushkin, a holy name for every Russian. Ayaz seems to touch us with...
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Sana gets homework from her teacher to do a presentation about bees. She went to her dad’s friend’s farm to find out more about bees to be able to do her presentation. Sana had a lot of fun in the farm and she also ended up getting a gift from her dad’s friend: it was bees. Sana went home excited...
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An insight fictional story which introduces you to the Mujhang tribe of Southern Sudan through the daily life of Abuk the protagonist and her struggle to fulfill the dream of her late husband.
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Our adventure takes us across the various spooky, adventurous and beguiling worlds that are traversed by Ranthor and his friends in their search for the elusive Nebula Jewels. Ranthor is often perplexed by the choices that he has to make during his adventures. Across his journey he comes across...
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A tale of magic and adventure in the forests of West Africa. After the passing of her mother, Rose Peterson moves from London to Nara, a country located in the forests of West Africa. Struggling with her grief, Rose looks for solace at a quiet pond, where she meets the wild and mysterious Jack...
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Once upon a time in an older Bahrain, Before cars and internet, when life was more plain, Lived a little girl in a little house in a little village on the lane. This is the story of little Hamra, before all the fame. I’m sure you’ve heard of her, ask your mom and dad (under a different name) Back...
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It's always so good and nice at the beginning but then you will discover that you are in a dream or in other words in a fake world. Darkness starts consuming your soul but there is only one person who can save you, it's YOU.
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A loving poem from parent to child filled with wisdom and emotions. A reminder that no matter what comes, a parent's love is forever.
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‘A BLANK PAGE IS INCOMPLETE WITHOUT ART AND A BOOK IS VAIN WITHOUT THE READERS.’ -AREEBAH YASIR QAZI Juvenile Fantasy is a motivational poetry book. The poems convey the message of evolution of mankind, hard work, self-love, fairness, and jubilant outlook. The book is based on both melancholic...
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A half-demon, half-vampire child is born to a royal family. His birth causes a huge conflict between the humans, demons, and the vampires. A mysterious old man saves him from his parents’ killer, and the world thinks he is dead. He continues to live a normal life, trying to know more about his...
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The story revolves around a young boy named Jad.. He is smart and kind-hearted, but unfortunately he was cursed the curse of fear by the evil witch, even though he is from the village of the brave that never knows fear.. Through the story, we will learn about the kingdom of light that turns into...
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