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يتبع Fight For Food صفيق Finlay the Food Fanatic أثناء قيامه بشراء الطعام وإعداده وتناوله ومشاركته (وحفظه) مع أصدقائه. يشرعون في نزهة في حديقة محلية ويصنعون أفضل كعكة شوكولاتة شهدتها الإمارات على الإطلاق. هناك الكثير من اللقاءات السخيفة في القصة والرسوم التوضيحية الرائعة للشخصيات والمعالم...
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The Eco-heroes and The Plastic Planet is the third in the series and follows the adventures of Sundos with her family and friends on a day trip to the beach. The story highlights how plastic is present in so many aspects of our daily lives without us realising the true extent of its impact....
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الثالثة في السلسلة وتتابع مغامرات Sundos مع عائلتها وأصدقائها في رحلة ليوم واحد إلى الشاطئ. تسلط القصة الضوء على كيفية وجود البلاستيك في العديد من جوانب حياتنا اليومية دون أن ندرك المدى الحقيقي لتأثيره. مليء بالكثير من الفكاهة ، يتطرق هذا الكتاب إلى جوانب الثقافة المحلية التقليدية والأسرة...
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Watch Water is the 4th book in the series. The story’s hero is Rudi from South Africa who understands why water conservation is so important, having seen it first hand in his home country. The book highlights water scarcity in the Middle East and why fashion and diet have such an impact on our...
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الرابع في السلسلة. بطل القصة هو رودي من جنوب إفريقيا الذي يفهم سبب أهمية الحفاظ على المياه ، بعد أن شاهدها مباشرة في وطنه. يسلط الكتاب الضوء على ندرة المياه في الشرق الأوسط ولماذا تؤثر الموضة والنظام الغذائي على بصمتنا المائية. هناك مغامرات تخييم في الصحراء وكرة قدم غريبة في الحديقة ، لكن الأبرز...
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A 56 page, hardcover, full-color journal that takes children around the world to 15 different countries. Designed for Muslim children, this journal is packed with Ramadan facts, recipes and activities along with references to the Quran, Hadith and dua’s for children.
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‘What is Ramadan?’ is an activity book aimed help them understand what this month is about. There are characters depicting children from 10 different countries who talk about what Ramadan means to them and how they celebrate it. There are activities, quizzes, crafts and recipes to keep children...
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‘After Iftar Tales’ contains a unique collection of curated short stories written by members from our community around the world. With diverse characters and heartwarming plot lines, these stories share with us a glimpse of life in Ramadan in a variety of everyday situations. With 142 pages and a...
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Our second collaborative book and short story collection features 10 authors from around the world. They share their unique personal perspective of what joy means to them through diverse characters and stories full of cultural nuances.
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Mealtimes can, and should, be fun! A friendly hungry whale reminds a little boy to ‘Always say Bismillah’ before biting into his favorite food. The vibrant visuals tell a story and transport children into an aquatic adventure where they ride waves and go underwater to be guests at the table of...
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The climate emergency is already having major impacts on cities worldwide, and these impacts will increase. We know that we must transform the world’s energy systems, as well as our lives and lifestyles, in order to achieve sustainability, livability, and balance. This acclaimed book provides a...
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Investment expert Lucy Chow has selected 34 essays from thought leaders in the gaming industry. These curated perspectives of the global network of game-changing esports insiders provide a backstage pass to the impact and future of gaming. This diverse group of corporate professionals,...
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This playfully shaped booklet features all your favorite princesses in page after page of coloring fun!
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This playfully shaped booklet features all your favorite cars in page after page of coloring fun!
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This playfully shaped booklet features your favorite cars in page after page of coloring fun!
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Discover Cinderella's new look! Find your favorite princess inside. Just color and stick away!
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Find all your favorite Frozen characters inside. Just color and stick away!
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Find all your favorite characters inside. Just color and stick away!
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Find Mickey and his friends inside. Just color and stick away!
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Find the Incredibles and their friends inside. Just Color and stick away!
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