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Little Farid embarks on an adventurous journey on a fateful night not realising what’s in store. Will he make it through the woods back home safely? Find out more in this heartwarming tale of family and friendships narrated by an unlikely character.
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This is a story of Coco, a fun-loving raccoon who makes the bold decision to slip himself into a bag and fly on a plane for an adventure. Unaware of his destination, he lands in the UAE and is taken by complete surprise. His exploits begin in Abu Dhabi where he makes an unlikely but delightful...
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Watch Us Play is for parents, guardians and teachers who want to understand why children love playing videogames, how to more effectively manage device time without the arguments, and how to use videogames to improve the maths skills of children
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Where is Blue Bird” is a delightful book crafted by Raya Halet and Julie Mallon, with charming illustrations by Suzanne Darka. Designed with babies aged 0-6 months in mind, the book aims to make a positive impact on their daily summer routines. This book provides an engaging and interactive...
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Let me be a cloud That don’t stop for anyone That marches through the storms And rainy days That wonder the horizons Quenching the thrust of the green fields Reviving the souls of the empty hearts Bringing forth rainbows and butterflies Let me be a cloud Maybe then I will be Free at last
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Desert Tales of the Emirates is a very inspiring, illuminating, and exciting story which educates the reader about the history of the UAE. It is a journey through the UAE's heritage and culture revealing how the Emirates evolved over time. The story is based on the evolution of life in the UAE,...
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When Khalifa, a skilled Emirati equestrian, is presented with the chance to compete in an international horse race, it seems like a dream come true. But not all is as seamless as it appears. With the unwavering support of Baba and Latifa, embark on a heartwarming journey alongside Khalifa and his...
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The path is a day-to-day guide, in an interesting journey, to discover yourself, explore yourself, and connect to your true self. This is carried along in a practical, scientific, and logical approach and a well-studied sequence. Along the journey, you will shine, rise, and rein. You will touch...
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Melba the Camel knew that a best friend would make him very happy; someone who would accept him as he was and help him to become who he should be. Melba loved his family and his brothers and sisters that he played with out on the great plains, but he realized that he did not have a best friend...
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This is the story of Ghassoub, a child from Palestine, who falls in love with the English language and with everything British after meeting a British lady tourist by chance at the Dead Sea, where she teaches him a few English words and treats him well. This incident makes him dream to be...
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The Art of Selling IT Technology to Large Enterprises is a special educational book for IT salespeople. It is intended to be their reference book to generate more business and to add major value to their trusted customers.
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Set in a forest far, far away, a unique friendship blossoms between an elephant and a butterfly, despite their big differences. One day, a great storm came and ravaged through the forest, causing immense destruction! Looking at the devastation, the duo took it upon themselves to save their home...
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“The Very Bored Butter Slice” is the world’s laziest condiment you’ll ever see. It sleeps on its piece of toast all day, snacking on cookies and jam. But fear not! The formerly “Very Bored Fluff Ball” is called into the Way Out of Boredom Inc. by the one and only stranger. After a short...
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In this tale rooted in history, a young girl navigates the complexities of love and family. Growing up surrounded by warmth and laughter, she finds herself drawn to a young man, dreaming of a love story of her own. However, a predestined marriage veers her life off its expected course, plunging...
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Five-year-old Rosie often wonders about the thing called “future.” The word gets thrown around a lot. At home or in school, while playing or learning, she hears the word here and there. It seems to be present everywhere. As often as she hears it, or perhaps because she hears it all too often,...
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Where is Blue Bird” is a delightful book crafted by Raya Halet and Julie Mallon, with charming illustrations by Suzanne Darkan. Designed with babies aged 0-6 months in mind, the book aims to make a positive impact on their daily summer routines. This book provides an engaging and...
English Quran , Holy Quran , muslim holy book , Islam holy book
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Ali Al-Ahmad, Botschafter der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate in Deutschland von 2016 bis 2019, hat seine in Deutschland gesammelten Erfahrungen auf empathische Art sowohl für sein Land als auch für deutsche Leser*innen niedergeschrieben. Was ihm als deutsche Besonderheit aufgefallen und von...
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I had the opportunity to live in Germany for a number of years, during which I visited many cities across the various regions of the country. This book is an attempt to convey that experience to the reader. The topics were inspired by my visits to those cities, for the more I became familiar with...
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By (Author): E[Giannis Andreou]; Publisher: E[Austin Macauley Publishers]; Dispatched from: S[The UAE in 2-5 business days]
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