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Happiness is the main goal for everyone in life. Work places are also focusing on happiness among their employees. Recently, many countries started to organize conferences and summits about happiness in work place. This means that happiness became an essential concept and requirement...
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We often think stories come from our personal lives, but they actually come from the mature imagination of a young writer that we were exposed to. Small stories often come with big meanings. Anger and admonition, love and hate, magic and demons, religion and doctrines – the stories in this book...
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Many women find themselves trapped in a cycle of abuse, whether it be physical, mental, emotional, or financial. It can be easy to believe promises and hold onto hope for change, especially when love and trust are involved. But staying in a toxic marriage, whether for the sake of children or fear...
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“50 reminders: for a happy life” is a more of a coffee table book that could be kept around and read from any page. It aims to provide the reader with positive thoughts and affirmations about life in general. The book contain 50 quotes that covers differe
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By (Author): E[Taqi M. Albaharna]; Publisher: E[Austin Macauley Publishers]; Dispatched from: S[The UAE in 2-5 business days]
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A city never sleeps
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It’s not about finally being happy,  But how I got there. You won’t hear what you want to hear, What you already believe, And that’s the best part.
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We always meet in the palace, recalling our memories of the past, sometimes living in happiness and other times in sadness.
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A collection of short stories. These stories are random, spun from the author’s very wild imagination. They are not limited to one genre. On the contrary, each one delves into a different world: from science-fiction to fantasy to suspense and crime to contemporary fiction.
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In A Different Phase of Life, you will go through a journey of everyday experiences, and some advice. Not only for everyday challenges, but also for motherhood experiences and some family experiences here and there.
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A Dorse Named Sid is a fanciful story portrayed through short rhyming verses, which are both thought-provoking and will ignite the readers imagination. It is a fun book to read and shares a valuable lesson for children: the age-old moral of not judging a book by its cover. The characters are a...
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How have restaurants evolved? What is fine-dining? What is gastronomy? How would you choose a restaurant to dine in it? Did you know that Michelin is a tire company? What are the best restaurants in Tokyo? How is food a culture, an identity, and an industry at the same time? If you've...
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تساعد حكاية A Funny Fishing Trip على دعم المتعلّمين في مراحلهم الأولى من تعلّم اللّغة الإنكليزيّة. تدور أحداث الحكاية على كوكب في مجرة بيكارو وتركّز على اللّغة والشخصيّات.
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A Journey Within takes you on a powerful and stirring journey through life – a journey that is relived and retold through first-hand experiences of love, faith, courage, desire and many other emotions
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Sais-tu que les jouets eux aussi tombent malades?? Lorsqu’ils ont un rhume et de la fièvre, qui va s’occuper d’eux et les guérir?? Doc LaPeluche bien sûr?!هَلْ تَعْرِفُ أَنَّ الدُّمى أَيْضًا تَمْرَضُ؟ عِنْدَما تُصابُ بِالرَّشَحِ أَوْ بِالحَرارَةِ، مَنْ سَيَهْتَمُّ بِها وَيُداويها؟ الدُّكْتورَةُ...
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Doesn't humanity deserve to live in peace?
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Amara is a young girl of fourteen, living in the land of Kumilaka, where she constantly has to deal with being different. Her world is shaken when she finds out that her little brother, Neo, has been touched. The Morbus Touch, a deadly disease, kills the child before they reach their...
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قصص مشوّقة بالإنكليزيّة للقرّاء الصغار، يُتابعونها في نصوصٍ مُوازيةٍ باللغة العربيّة ليفهموا تفاصيلها. لن يكون عليهم أن يتعلّموا كلَّ كلمة يقرؤونها بالإنكليزيّة، بل يُمكنهم أن يركّزوا في الكلمات والتعابير التي تُهمّهم وتُفيدهم. أمّا الأسئلة في الصفحة الأخيرة، فهي تُساعدهم على امتحان معلوماتهم.
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تساعد حكاية A Night on Dinosaur World على دعم المتعلّمين في مراحلهم الأولى من تعلّم اللّغة الإنكليزيّة. تدور أحداث الحكاية على كوكب في مجرة بيكارو وتركّز على اللّغة والشخصيّات.
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A Practice tells the stories of twelve school children, each working one-on-one with a tutor to resolve their learning problem. The 'tutor', a psychologist trained at Bank Street College of Education in The Clinical Teaching Model (by Selma Sapir), describes the trials and triumphs of therapeutic...
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Food for thought: where do children from multiple cultures call home? Join Layan and her friends on a mouth-watering journey where they explore different cultures and make a delectable discovery about the limitless love between family that knows no borders. Here, you will find the answer that...
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It’s so so quiet in Yousef’s bedroom. In fact, tonight has turned into a very silent night. So when he decides to sleep with each one of his family members, something very strange happens. He starts hearing different animal sounds.How did these animals arrive at their house? It’s no longer a...
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By (Author): E[Yalda Afshoon]; Publisher: E[Austin Macauley Publishers]; Dispatched from: S[The UAE in 2-5 business days]
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تساعد حكاية A Space Holiday على دعم المتعلّمين في مراحلهم الأولى من تعلّم اللّغة الإنكليزيّة. تدور أحداث الحكاية على كوكب في مجرة بيكارو وتركّز على اللّغة والشخصيّات.
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When a young boy named Rashid. Goes to the hospital to get his hearing. Treated, he felt very nervous at first. He was in for a big surprise, for he didn't. Expect to meet a furry and cuddly bear, See new inventions, meet scientists, And make friends with an astronaut!...
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We live in a world where society agrees that a degree in a certain field and a job with fixed pay is all you need to live a successful, stress-free life. A Young Investor with an Engineering Degree challenges this dogma and explains in simple terms why a degree alone is not sufficient. This book...
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An insight fictional story which introduces you to the Mujhang tribe of Southern Sudan through the daily life of Abuk the protagonist and her struggle to fulfill the dream of her late husband.
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ACE Year One is a book containing three fine selections of fictional stories, all written by one author: Hassan Husam Al Khafaji. With three separate journeys, containing an excellent cast of characters, it leaves you wondering about what’s coming next. It allows your mind to create its own...
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Adam has a new neighbour named Aziza who is excellent at football. But when Adam goes to see her playing in a match, he realises there is more to her story than this. Read the story to find out how Aziza is truly exceptional and unique.
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Follow Adam in this tale as he looks forward to his first day at school. He is keen to meet his teacher and make dozens of friends. What will he learn in his first lesson? A short yet compelling story with rhymes that will captivate the children reading it.
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“It is certainly interesting to draw up recommendations as to how the advertising industry should abandon its current role in favor of a socially useful one.” Dr. Noam Chomsky “A thoroughly captivating look into marketing, the history, the tools, strategic frameworks and the changes that are...
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Little Layla is thrilled about her first beach trip and carefully packs her cherished silver backpack. With pockets galore – including a secret one – she meticulously decides what to take, getting ideas from her big sisters. Layla knows the pre-trip routine: Daddy straps her in, tickles her toes,...
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‘After Iftar Tales’ contains a unique collection of curated short stories written by members from our community around the world. With diverse characters and heartwarming plot lines, these stories share with us a glimpse of life in Ramadan in a variety of everyday situations. With 142 pages and a...
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The book conveys in an easy-to-understand language the most complicated, critical knowledge and processes involved in aircraft ground handling. At the same time, the book gives an overview of the airport, the multitude of agencies operating or servicing the airport, basic or core aviation...
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The events of Al Yaah take place in the golden age, before the establishment of the Union and the discovery of oil, and before the use of electricity. Some of the novel’s events were taken from events that actually occurred, and the rest is a figment of the writer's imagination.
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The story demonstrates how a young soul could change into a mature one with experiences and prove that age is just a number. Furthermore, the reader gets to live her life, watch her deal with her issues and meet new people that later on either break her
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Alayah is a story about a girl who is born with sand in her hair.
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I'm tired... really tired! The loud music bothers me, I'm horrified by the dangerous games I play against my will. I have to find a solution to save me from the laziness of my friend Ali! who said these words? What is his story with the hero of our story?
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I am always striving to be a better person . My religion really helps me, at the end of the day I pour out my heart to the only one who can change our situation from bad to good I try to stay positive on a daily basis, but sometimes I am my own worst enemy . I poured my heart out, and digged deep...
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