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During the day, life is relatively normal for a little boy who suffers blindness. While his other senses are active during the day, his world seems alive. At night, he is often afraid and struggles to sleep. His mother understands his fear and lovingly provides a beautiful, sensory experience...
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I walked satisfied because God talked to me in the voice of the birds, the sleepy eyes of the cat, the satisfaction of the people, and the tears of the grieved girl that had dried. The girl disappeared, the question she posed in a previous scene; “Why do you speak to your God throughout your...
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Stay Alert! It is inevitable to encounter such situations and First aid is an extremely important life skill. In my opinion everyone should be aware of how to act in specific life-threatening situations. Having some sort of first aid knowledge promotes the sense of safety, assurance, and...
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Stay Alert! It is inevitable to encounter such situations and first aid is an extremely important life skill. In my opinion everyone should be aware of how to act in specific life-threatening situations. Having some sort of first aid knowledge promotes the sense of safety, assurance, and...
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It was one of the most searing images of the twentieth century: two young boys, two princes, walking behind their mother's coffin as the world watched in sorrow - and horror. As Diana, Princess of Wales, was laid to rest, billions wondered what the princes must be thinking and feeling - and how...
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The residents of Zataari Camp have a Hakawati among them. This is the story of the woman behind the magic and how she spreads the love of reading far and wide.
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We live in a world where society agrees that a degree in a certain field and a job with fixed pay is all you need to live a successful, stress-free life. A Young Investor with an Engineering Degree challenges this dogma and explains in simple terms why a degree alone is not sufficient. This book...
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This is a book that compiles poetry written over years of observation. Words are mere concoction of thoughts, thoughts that have been plenty. These have been threaded together and put forth for everyone to read. From nature to philosophy. From darkness to awakening, all enclosed with a feminine...
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A Dorse Named Sid is a fanciful story portrayed through short rhyming verses, which are both thought-provoking and will ignite the readers imagination. It is a fun book to read and shares a valuable lesson for children: the age-old moral of not judging a book by its cover. The characters are a...
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Food food food All is good I love fast food I love slow food I love hot food I love cold food I eat carrots But not parrots I eat corns But not horns Children can improve their literacy skills as well as their eating habits while having fun with rhyming words and zany thoughts. Inspired by the...
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“EXPLORE THE WORLD” is an archive of photographs taken in the past 40 years, in which you find strange diversity, dazzling differentiation. It seeks to raise curiosity and questions through various angles the camera takes. Abdullah Alnibari was always fascinated by the different people and places...
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Things aren’t looking so good for Magic McFee at her new school. Firstly, her new English teacher, Marcus Slay, doesn’t seem to be up to any good. How can somebody hate her so much before even knowing her? Secondly, her new friend, Katie Harrow, is in deep trouble. Magic’s fears are confirmed...
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Many women find themselves trapped in a cycle of abuse, whether it be physical, mental, emotional, or financial. It can be easy to believe promises and hold onto hope for change, especially when love and trust are involved. But staying in a toxic marriage, whether for the sake of children or fear...
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Kate has always been known as the sweet and generous girl in her class, despite being the poorest among her friends. But on her seventh birthday, everything changes and she is left with just one friend. Struggling with friendship issues and self-esteem, Kate goes through a series of misadventures...
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This book consists of poems of pure feelings. Some of them talk about the mindset we live in, and some of them talk about the struggles young adults face in our modernized world, whether it's friendships, love, or even societal issues (fitting in). I question a variety of things including our...
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The author of this story is also the hero, who is an amazing child who faced all his difficulties to shine up in the sky like a star. He believes in his dreams and his abilities. He is smart, intelligent, and distinguished. He has made a clear path in his life, and he considered his weakness as...
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A comprehensive book providing a practical version of the law of attraction. The book gives reasonable steps that any reader can understand the application of law of attraction. When the entire world faces the COVID-19 epidemic, this book will significantly help the common man to motivate and...
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The main focus of the book is to encourage the acquisition of critical thinking skills across the curriculum of the English language. Each concept in the book is clearly and concisely explained with suitable substantiation. It is a book which is educational for any audience.
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ACE Year One is a book containing three fine selections of fictional stories, all written by one author: Hassan Husam Al Khafaji. With three separate journeys, containing an excellent cast of characters, it leaves you wondering about what’s coming next. It allows your mind to create its own...
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The climate emergency is already having major impacts on cities worldwide, and these impacts will increase. We know that we must transform the world’s energy systems, as well as our lives and lifestyles, in order to achieve sustainability, livability, and balance. This acclaimed book provides a...
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Investment expert Lucy Chow has selected 34 essays from thought leaders in the gaming industry. These curated perspectives of the global network of game-changing esports insiders provide a backstage pass to the impact and future of gaming. This diverse group of corporate professionals,...
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Tout au long des siècles, une bande de terre donnant sur la Méditerranée orientale, avec ses montagnes et ses plaines attire les Empires et abrite les minorités...Dans sa première version, publiée en 1987, Histoire illustrée du Liban décrivait la période allant de l’âge de pierre au début de la...
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Throughout the centuries, a strip of land overlooking the Eastern Mediterranean, with its mountains and plains, has attracted empires and sheltered minorities.The first edition of the Illustrated History of Lebanon was published in 1987. It covered the period extending from the Stone Age until...
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On ne présente pas Gibran Khalil Gibran, auteur universellement connu du Prophète, ce livre de sagesse fondamentale et d’initiation aux problèmes et aux questions que pose la vie, résolus par l’intuition poétique. C’est peut-être cette simplicité et cette évidence qui ont fait du Prophète de...
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Il lui avait dit une fois : « Vous savez… Il n’y a pas plus pauvre qu’une femme sans souvenirs. » Plus tard, elle comprendrait que la plus grande douleur ne vient pas de ce qui ne fut jamais à nous, mais de ce que nous avons possédé pour un bref moment et qui nous manquera à jamais. Hâla, dont...
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Life over Death. Triumph over Failure. Hope over Despair. In Tale of Tala, Henry, a bestselling New York writer is trying to cope with the unexpected death of his mother and the failure of his latest book. His life—a triumphant success—had collapsed. Flying to Amsterdam to indulge in decadence...
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Kamal Salibi, professor of history at the American University of Beirut, reveals startling linguistic evidence which controversially suggests that Judaism originated not in Palestine but in west Arabia. Whilst looking at the gazetteer of Saudi place names, he noticed a remarkable concentration of...
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Through wars, the collapse of empires, changing views on the role of women in society, economic crises, and more, Lebanese American University has persevered for almost 200 years. From the first school for girls in the Ottoman Empire to an internationally ranked co-ed university serving over 8500...
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Celui qui a goûté la cuisine « maison » du Liban n’en oublie jamais le goût. TARA KHATTAR, jeune cheffe libanaise talentueuse, qui vit aux États-Unis et qui a gagné l’émission américaine Chopped après avoir participé à Top Chef, en France vous invite aujourd’hui à entrer dans son intimité...
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Through lavish illustrations, a modern take on hosting etiquette and a plethora of practical tips and recipes, you will learn to: Design a unique table that reflects your personal taste and style ...Transform everyday objects into beautiful decorative pieces.......Create a warm ambiance and a...
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Around 200 recipes with color photographs of finished dishes as well as Arabic and western desserts. Recipes are presented in a comprehensive, precise and simple manner for optium results and for the reader to master the technique of the professio
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هل تعدّين في منزلك ما تيسّر من الأطباق، وباعتقادك أنّ الأطباق اللبنانيّة من اختصاص والدتك فقط؟ هل تعتبرينها مهمّة مستحيلة لن تتمكّني من إنجازها يومًا؟ هذا الكتاب سيبرهن لك العكس تمامًا! من خلال 250 وصفة سهلة وشهيّة، سيساعدك هذا الكتاب على عدم الشعور بالرهبة عند دخولك المطبخ كمبتدئة، كما سيعجب...
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Faut-il vraiment du culot pour dire ce que je dis ? Faut-il du courage pour admettre ce qui nous fait peur, et parfois même ce qui nous fait honte ? Ça fait longtemps que je ne me pose plus cette question. Maintenant, quand j’écris, je cherche avant tout à m’éplucher, à mieux me comprendre, à...
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Does it really take courage to discuss what we are afraid of, or maybe even ashamed of? I am long past this question. Now, when I write, I mainly seek to discover more of my layers, to raise my level of consciousness, to help others and myself. I don’t see the red flags, I don’t hear the...
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It's a bitter truth that we live in an age of vulnerable systems, where our existence is completely dependent on them. Cyber attacks can cause greater damage than actual war losses for a country that is unprepared for them. After several incidents that impacted social order, governments have...
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The rain became more and more abundant as if the sky had become a giant water bladder that was cut in length with a sharp dagger, the wind performing the dance of madness without stopping and its voices are the howling of old women after a great pandemic. Samha is on its way to its inevitable...
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Dite a tí mismo que eres confiado, seguro, fuerte, audaz, respetuoso y amado. Tales palabras promueven la confianza en tí mismo. No significan que seas un egoísta egocéntrico. Dios te ha creado y te ha honrado, así que hónrate y estímate. ¡La persona que más puede influenciarte eres TÚ! El...
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Will the darkness continue? Is this the end of the road? Will the sun rise again? Can I live again? Or is it too late? Many questions wrestle in Camila's head in her new home, waiting. What happened to her, and where is she? All this is here in God’s Miracles.
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Are you concerned about passing the Maritime oral exam? Do you feel overburdened by the amount of knowledge you need to acquire? Stop fretting! Oral Preparation Watchkeeper Deck Mates Question and Answer Guidelines is the book for you and the solution to your worries. Becoming a Watchkeeper Deck...
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Rest in Chaos is a book of experiences, based on real events that have happened in my life, but written in a metaphorical way to disguise who each story is about. The book speaks of all the ups and downs, the battles against depression, love, bullying, loss, and family. This book was written as...
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