So Many Hats (or Veils)

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By (Author)Wid Kattan Aims to ship in 3 - 5 business days
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We play many roles in life and wear many hats: the human, the individual, the romantic, the man or woman, the parent, etc.  Can you make a connection with someone who seems so foreign to you, someone who wears hats you can’t begin to understand? Hats that - on first glance - may even seem threatening to you?  Is it possible to wear many hats without losing yourself, to integrate them into one “I”? These are some questions I explore in my poetry, questions that float around in my head, under my own many hats. Underneath all my hats, my eyes— they stay the same. Windows into my soul, that’s ’who “I” am. I am not any of my hats or roles. I’m just another kindred  soul.

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