Who I Am - The Black Book of Change

شحن مجاني
بقلم(الكاتب)سبايروس كاراجيانيس
BHD‎ 6.16
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I might not know who you are and what you are trying to find. What I know is that whatever you are trying to find has a lot to do with who you are. It’s like an old saying: “Who you are can be defined by what you do when nobody is watching.” This book is the sarcastic side of my personal truth about who each one of us is, how we tend to deny our own nature blindfolded by our egos, and how vigorously we try to convince ourselves otherwise. It’s an irony. A vicious circle. In its lines, through stories from my daily life’s madness and insanity, the more you read, the more you will understand. And the more you understand, the more you will come face to face with the traits that define you. Your own nature. The challenge is whether you will accept it… Spyros Karagiannis
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