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By (Author)JOHANNA SPYRI Aims to ship in 3 - 5 business days
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" Dear friend, let us exchange a few words with one another. You will believe me when I tell you that I have known no real happiness for years past. What worth to me were money and property when they were unable to make my poor child well and happy? With the help of God you have made her whole and strong, and you have given new life not only to her but to me. Tell me now, in what way can I show my gratitude to you? I can never repay all you have done, but whatever is in my power to do is at your service. Speak, friend, and tell me what I can do?***A man in the old days once said: 'Dripping water hollows out stone, not by force but by persistence.' - Ovid This is real, not a metaphor. I think you -my reader of such days- are too busy (or that's what you want to think) and can't spare a minute to feel the beauty around you; you miss it all in your hurry. Here you are, Heidi is pleased to guide you to the right path to do so, as she did with me, with the grumpy grandfather, and with the doctor.

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