What are the delivery charges?
We offer free delivery on all direct orders, irrespective of price, size, or destination of the goods.
Click here to get the list of the countries where we ship our products. If your country is on the list, you will get free delivery to your location.
While checking out the products, check under the 'add to cart' option to find the estimated dispatch time for each product. Create separate orders to get the products delivered to different addresses.
Can you provide me with an exact date of when I will get my delivery?
If I order different items in a single transaction, will they be delivered in a single package or separate packages?
We encourage sellers to submit their orders as soon as possible. Since there are different sellers in different locations, we collect all the books in our processing centre to ship all the books at the same time, and This means that the order will deliver the books to you in one shipment; if sent from the same country.
Can I get tracking numbers for my order?
The majority of the orders cannot be tracked once dispatched to the customers. Nevertheless, as high-value books will be shipped through Aramex, DHL, or Australia Post, you can get a tracking number for them.
When will my order arrive?
In which countries and areas do you deliver?
Click here to get the list of the countries and regions we currently ship free of charge. If your country or area is not on the list, we request you to review this list regularly, as we keep adding new countries and regions to this list whenever possible. Please note you are responsible for any local taxes and shipping. The applicable local sales tax, VAT and similar taxes will depend on the tax, which applies to your delivery location.
Orders & Payments
Can I get a refund on my order?
Yes, you can get a refund on your order. You have to cancel your order first and then return the item/s to us to get a refund. For cancelling the order, you need to fill out our online cancellation form and cancel your order within 14 days of receiving it. After the cancellation, you need to send the item/s back to us within 14 days. Once we receive the item/s, we will refund you the money within 14 business days. You will get the refund through the payment option you used to make the purchase.
Unless you received the wrong or defective product, the cost of returning the item/s would be borne by you. It would help ensure that the item/s is/are returned to us safely to get a refund. If the item/s is/are a high-value item, you should use a recorded delivery service to return the item.
Can I place my order through a phone call?
Do you need my telephone number?
What are my rights to cancellation?
1- If you are an individual buying goods for personal use and not for business purposes, you can cancel your order without giving any reason within 14 days from the day of the delivery. You can cancel the order by notifying us about your cancellation through our online contact form.
2- Unless you received the wrong or defective product, the cost of returning the item/s would be borne by you. After the cancellation, you need to send the item back to us within 14 days by following the instructions.
3- Once we receive the item/s, we will refund you the money within 14 business days. You will get the refund through the payment option you used to make the purchase.
Which payment options can I use?
We accept payments through credit cards - VISA Delta, MasterCard, VISA Debit, VISA, Electron, AMEX, Maestro, Apple Pay, Google Pay and SOLO. You can also use PayPal to make the payment. However, we do not accept cheques, postal orders, or proforma invoices. For reasons beyond our control, cash on delivery is not currently available.
Can I get gift vouchers?
Yes, we are pleased to offer this service to our customers, where you can gift your loved one the books he/she loves when sending a gift certificate by clicking here.